Individual meetings next week

Individual meetings next week

by Luisa Marti Martinez -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,

I hope you are all well. This email is a reminder that next week there is no class at the scheduled time (Monday 3-5pm) because it is week 5 and, as planned, I am meeting students individually instead. The meeting is to discuss your progress on the module, your questions, and your thoughts on which puzzles from those that you've done so far you are thinking about submitting for the puzzles assessment in April.

All meetings take place on Friday 24 February--the time depends on which slot your booked (see folder for week 5 if you haven't yet booked your slot). I will be back in touch on Monday evening with more information on where we're meeting (online or in person). Please get in touch now if you have a definite preference for one or the other mode.

To prepare for your meeting, start thinking about the following:

-choosing a puzzle to submit for assessment

-taking feedback on board to improve your chosen puzzle

-understanding the question(s) the puzzle asks

-making sure your arguments and proposals are explicit and thorough

It may be that you are finding one or more of these challenging--bring that up at the meeting. You could also decide to focus on a particular topic/aspect of the theory I've presented thus far that you are having trouble with, and we could discuss the problems you are having and how to address them so that you can feel confident about the relevant puzzle(s). It is really up to you which of these issues (or others, as the list is not exclusive) to discuss and in what depth/level of detail.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Expect another communication on Monday regarding where the meetings will take place.

Best, Luisa.