Week 1 summary and tasks

Week 1 summary and tasks

by Luisa Marti Martinez -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,

It was a pleasure to introduce the module to you today. We got started on grammatical number, and on a way for our semantics to say something about singular and plural. I introduced the features [±atomic] and [±minimal] (though the latter not in detail). Please make sure you read through the handout at your own pace this week, in addition to doing the readings (see handout and QMPlus). I will get started with (22), (23), (24), (30) and (31) from Handout 1 next week, and it'd be great if you had tried to understand what they say beforehand.

Please also have a go at Puzzle 1, already on QMplus. If you submit it by 11.55pm next Monday, I will provide you with feedback on it so that you can improve it and submit it in April. You would get your feedback on Puzzle 1 in week 3 at the latest (see schedule in the syllabus).

The slots for individual meetings in week 5 are already available for you to book (see folder for week 5 on QMPlus). There will be no lecture/seminar thay week.

Let me know if you have any questions,
