Welcome Back! Semester B

Welcome Back! Semester B

by Roya Mohamed -
Number of replies: 0

Hi Everyone,

I hope exams went well and that you all had a restful break.

PASS sessions will be resuming again this semester!

Just a reminder of what PASS is; PASS (Peer assisted study support) is a twice weekly mentoring scheme where you can get support for academic work and university queries from second, third and fourth year mentors. The scheme is course based and we have mentors from a range of SBBS courses and year groups. All sessions are free and voluntary. Last semester we covered a variety of topics such as essay writing, revision techniques and note taking.

This semester, sessions will be held as follows:

Bancroft 1.08

Bancroft 3.20

There is also an online alternative for students who cannot come on campus.

I highly encourage regular attendance of PASS as it has been shown to improve grades, university experience and have a positive impact on wellbeing.

I am also resending the link to our WhatsApp group chat where myself and the mentors send out regular updates about upcoming sessions. It is also the easiest way to communicate with us: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Bo9SXJsdmM8A9t3dtpj9bS

The sessions will resume this upcoming Wednesday. Please join the chat to receive information on the topic focus of the week. If you are unable to join or prefer to hear about sessions another way then feel free to get in touch with me. Alternatively, you may wish to check out the SBBS PASS QMPlus page for more information and recordings from previous sessions.

I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Best Wishes,

Roya Mohamed

SBBS PASS Student Organiser 2022/23