Would you like a Face to Face Careers chat on Campus on Monday? 4 free slots. + list of History Job/internship opportunities

Would you like a Face to Face Careers chat on Campus on Monday? 4 free slots. + list of History Job/internship opportunities

by Andrew Walsh -
Number of replies: 0

Hi everyone,

I'm on Campus on Monday and wanted to offer some face to face careers appointments for those that would like one. 

They are currently free at 2, 2.30, 3, and 3.30pm on Monday (5th July)

Just phone the careers front desk on 0207 882 8533 (Before 4pm today) and ask for a face to face careers appointment with Andy. 

We can discuss anything careers related. Internships/getting jobs/further study/etc

I look forward to seeing you


P.s. also attached is some opportunities for History students.