Happy Friday, Huge Number of Careers events coming up, have a skim read and pick the ones for you!

Happy Friday, Huge Number of Careers events coming up, have a skim read and pick the ones for you!

by Andrew Walsh -
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Queen Mary Events

International students: How to get UK work experience and internships – Tuesday 23rd February, 13:00-15:00
If you are an international student looking for UK work experience, be that an internship, part time work, volunteering or any other kind of work experience, then join this webinar to find out more. You will discover what opportunities are available in the UK, how to identify opportunities and tactics for maximising your chance of success. This webinar is part of International Students week. This webinar will be held on BlackBoard Collaborate. Please go to this page where a button to join the webinar will become available 15 minutes before the start time.

Careers in Investment and Wealth Management – Tuesday 23rd February, 13:30-15:00
The “Careers in Investment and Wealth Management” online panel event will aim to bring together a range of representatives from investment banks, hedge funds, real estate & private equity firms, corporate investment arms, pension and life assurance companies. During this event each speaker will talk about their organisation, their role and what they do on a day-to-day basis. We will then have a guided discussion on the area’s key to working in this sector, explore current trends, discuss career routes – and then open for questions and networking.

This event is will help you gain a better understanding of this sector and explore the different career options available in Investment and Wealth Management. This event is open to ALL students who want to;

  • Gain a better understanding of the sector and familiarise with current trends
  • Explore the different roles available in Investment and Wealth Management.
  • Gain a better understanding on the latest developments in the sector
  • Seek industry advice on improving and gaining a leading edge on job applications in this sector

The confirmed speakers so far include;
-David Monger - Global Head of FM ISDM @ Standard Chartered Bank (SCB)
-Erik Snaathorst - Talent Acquisition Advisor @ Barnett Waddingham
-Panashe Bera - Investment Analyst @ Barnett Waddingham
-Eva Helmich - Regional Head of Account Management @FIS Global

Employable Me: Imposter Syndrome in the Workplace – Tuesday 23rd February, 17:15-18:15 

The fourth event as part of the Employable Me series “Imposter Syndrome in the Workplace” is now live!  Employable Me is a series of network sessions and workshops focusing on certain social aspects of employability. Through conversation and discussion, these events will help you understand how your unique skills and experiences can impact your employability and future in the workplace. This event will be focusing on Imposter Syndrome in the Workplace. We will be looking at how it is caused, its effects and consequences, and how we can better understand the impact it has on us as people in the workplace, but also on us as humans. We will also be exploring tips and advice on how to manage the experience, and how we can recognise and celebrate our achievements. Special guest speakers have been invited to the event to share their own personal experiences and journeys in the workplace! You can now register for the event below. After registering, you will receive an email notification confirming your attendance at the event. For any queries, please contact VP HSS Cameron Storey at su-vphss@qmul.ac.uk

Register here

Exploring creativity, freelancing and the arts – Tuesday 23rd February, 17:30-19:00
Interested in exploring a careers within creativity, freelancing or the arts? Don’t know where to start looking? This panel conversation will detail the different paths into the field, whilst also giving you the chance to ask your questions to alumni who work in the creative industry in an open Q&A style format! Be sure to come prepared with interesting questions and be ready to receive valuable advice. Speakers include:

  • Tomiwa Owolade, Freelance Writer and Academic Mentor at Teach First, Graduated from Queen Mary in BA English, 2018
  • Christian Haywood, Freelance Digital Content Producer, Graduated from Queen Mary in BA Film Studies, 2019
  • Charlotte Potter, Marketing and Production Manager at COLAB Theatre Productions & Freelance Producer & More, Graduated from Queen Mary in MA Theatre and Performance, 2019.
  • Siham Ali, Freelance journalist, copywriter and social media manager, Graduated from Queen Mary in English BA, 2017
  • Lucy Harley-McKeown, Freelance journalist, Graduated from Queen Mary in English Literature BA, 2013
  • Daniel Meszaros, Freelance Motion Designer, Graduated from Queen Mary in BA Film Studies, 2018

Navigating your way into a career in investment management – Wednesday 24th February, 12:00-13:00
An exclusive event for Queen Mary students. Come along to hear about careers in investment management and how to navigate your way into the sector through the Investment20/20 Trainee programme. You’ll learn about the purpose of investment management, the career pathways and will have the opportunity to ask questions. This session is exclusively for Queen Mary students.

International students: Maximising LinkedIn for your career – Wednesday 24th February, 13:00-14:00
Would you like to set up a LinkedIn profile? Do you have a LinkedIn profile but don't know how to use it effectively for your job search? Do you feel LinkedIn can offer more than you are using it for? If you answered yes to any of these questions, or have any other interest in getting to grips with LinkedIn then come along to this webinar. In it you will learn how to set up a LinkedIn profile and use it to help your search for work experience and graduate jobs. This webinar is designed specifically to support international students, as part of International Students Careers week. The webinar will take place on Blackboard Collaborate here where a button to join the webinar will become available 15 minutes before the webinar starts.

HSBC CV Checking – Wednesday 24th February, 15:00-17:15
Are you a penultimate year student looking for a summer internship? Come and meet the HSBC Technology recruitment team at a 20 minute 1-2-1 CV check! A Microsoft Teams link will be emailed to you the morning of the session. Valentina and Samantha host your individual session to support you with building and updating your CV. Whether you have a background in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science or related Technology modules, our HSBC Technology summer internship programme offers the opportunity to experience the latest Technology and Innovation; and will allow you to explore your interests within cloud, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, data and applied innovation.
Apply now:

Valentina Jambrusic is a graduate recruiter for Digital Business Services at HSBC. She has worked in HR across different industries including banking/finance, technology and retail. Holds a degree in Philosophy from the University of Zagreb and is currently pursuing a MA in Bioethics from where comes her passion around sustainability and animal equality. She is also a global talent development trainer and has developed a number of training sessions around different topics related to human resources and client/customer management.

Samantha is a senior recruiter for Digital Business Services at HSBC. With nearly ten years recruitment experience, she has spent the last five years working in early careers and campus recruitment – supporting a wide range of clients across different sectors with their graduate, intern and apprentice hiring. With the current climate, Samantha has been developing virtual assessments and supporting people through the virtual process.

Introduction to the Civil Service, Early Talent & the Fast Stream – Wednesday 24th February, 16:00-18:00
This session will introduce the Civil Service as a place to work and explain why it might appeal to you. Current Civil Servants will tell you about different ways for early talent to get in. This will include an overview of the Fast Stream, such as entry requirements, the application process and the 15 brilliant schemes. You’ll get insights into the day-to-day activities of early-career roles in different departments, and there will be time for you to ask any questions you have! 

Working in the UK after study for International students – Thursday 25th February, 11:00-11:45
One of the International Student Advisers from the Advice and Counselling Service will tell you the information we know so far about the Graduate (Post Study Work) Route, they will give an overview of the new Skilled Worker Route (previously Tier 2), and let you know about some other visa options for working after studies, plus remind students of the Student visa requirements during study relating to working.

International Students: How to write a UK CV and Cover Letter – Thursday 25th February, 13:00-14:00
This workshop is for international students and will outline how you write a CV and cover letter for use in the UK. You will find out the key components of a CV and cover letter, how to make your application stand out to an employer and how to tailor your CV and cover letter to a particular opportunity. Come along if you want to prepare yourself for using a CV and cover letter to get part time work, work experience or a graduate job. This workshop is part of international students careers week. The webinar will be held on Blackboard Collaborate. To join this webinar please go to this link.

Careers in Museums or Heritage - Thursday 25th February, 17:30-19:00
Interested in getting into museums or heritage sectors? Come join our panel conversation and Q&A aimed at inspiring students that want to explore a career within the field! There are plenty of opportunities for skilled graduates in areas as varied as history, exhibition design or management, with museums in the UK appealing to all interests and backgrounds. Museum jobs span a range of roles, including archaeologist, archivist, conservator, exhibitions designer, heritage manager and many more. The event will be a great opportunity to learn more about museums and heritage, and will show attendees how they can get their career going! Be sure to come prepared with interesting questions and be ready to receive valuable advice. Panelists include:

Routes in the Transport Sector – Tuesday 2nd March, 17:30-19:00
Interested in getting into the Transport Sector? Come join our panel conversation and Q&A aimed at inspiring students that want to explore a career within the field! Not only does the transport industry include road, rail, air and water networks, but it also covers logistics, the supply chain, car manufacturing, transport planning and traffic control. The event will be a great opportunity to learn more about the field and how students can possibly get their career going! Be sure to come prepared with interesting questions and be ready to receive valuable advice. Speakers include:

Data Science Challenge – Wednesday 3rd March, 15:30-19:00
Interested in data science? This will be an interactive event hosted by established employers within the industry where you will be tasked with a 'data challenge' that you will work on for 2-3 hours! Be prepared to tackle an interesting challenge with fellow students in this entertaining event format! Companies:

Routes in Social and Market research – Thursday 3rd March, 17:30-19:00
Interested in pursuing a career in social and market research? This panel conversation will detail the different paths into the field, whilst also giving you the chance to ask your questions to respected professionals in an open Q&A style format! Unsure about what the career entails? Market researchers compile and interpret data and knowledge to bring to consumers. The data they provide allows them to make better political, social and economic choices. Social researchers use a variety of approaches to analyse the behaviours, actions and perspectives of populations on topics, such as interviews, survey questionnaires and focus groups. Be sure to come prepared with interesting questions and be ready to receive valuable advice. Panelists TBC...

Humanities Careers: Job hunting in a tough market; or how to access the 90% of jobs that aren't graduate schemes – Monday 15th March, 12:00-13:00
Job hunting can be difficult in the best of times, and it can feel like graduate jobs all have application deadlines before you've even got your books back out in September. Add in coronavirus, and searching for that graduate role might seem like a maddening task. However, most jobs for graduates are not on schemes, and they don't have early deadlines that seem to close before you even knew they were open. In this session, join Careers Consultants Andy Walsh and Fliss Bush to learn more about finding the 90% of jobs that aren't graduate schemes, get some advice for career planning in a pandemic, and consider your next steps.

Humanities Careers: What will you spend 80,000 hours doing? - Finding work that matters – Tuesday 16th March, 12:00-13:00
We spend approximately 80,000 hours of our lives working. Yet research suggests that only 15% of people worldwide* are actively engaged in their jobs. What's the secret of finding meaningful and satisfying work (and being able to pay the bills)? Andrea Cox and Felicity Bush will share a framework with you for how to find for work that will actually fulfil you. 

IP and Patent Attorney routes – Tuesday 16th March, 17:30-19:00
Want to make a difference in the IP and Patent Attorney industry? Unsure what it is and where to start? Come join our panel conversation and Q&A aimed at inspiring students that want to explore a career in within the field. A career as a patent attorney could be for you if you want to use your engineering or science degree, but you don't want to be an engineer or scientist. The patent attorney's role is to assist its clients in securing successful property protection for their inventions and creations, and to educate others on the rights of intellectual property. The event will be a great opportunity to learn more about the field! Be sure to come prepared with interesting questions and be ready to receive valuable advice. Panelists TBC...

Humanities Careers: LinkedIn: how to create a strong online presence – Thursday 18th March, 12:00-13:00
In this session with Careers Consultant Serena Spoendlin, learn how to maximise your online profile on LinkedIn.

Sustainability and Green Energy – Thursday 18th March, 17:30-19:00
Have you always cared about the environment and wanted to help it in any way you can? Then working within the Sustainability and Green Energy sector might be for you. With climate change being a pressing issue for the industry, there has never been a greater need for graduates with the expertise and passion to conserve and sustain the environment! Come join our panel conversation and Q&A style event, it will be a great opportunity to learn more about the field! Be sure to come prepared with interesting questions and be ready to receive valuable advice. Speakers include:

  • Sam Gill, Principal Climate Change Consultant at SLR Consulting, Graduated from University of London Institute in Paris in BA French Studies, 2009

More to be confirmed...

External Events

From Queen Mary to Managing Partner of Linklaters – Monday 22nd February, 18:00-19:00
This is an external event by ELSA QM. Join ELSA QM for our biggest event to date with QM Alumni, Firmwide Managing Partner of Linklaters, Gideon Moore where he will be joining us back at Queen Mary to discuss the effects of COVID-19 on law firms, and his journey into becoming a Managing Partner after completing his LLB from Queen Mary. This is a great opportunity for all those interested in a career at a city law firm, especially one at Linklaters. Register using the link below: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/.../from-queen-mary-to...

ICAS: Become a Chartered Accountant Careers Fair – Tuesday 23rd February, 14:00-18:00
This is an external event hosted by ICAS. Interested in launching your career in accounting? Come along to hear more about CA traineeships and meet our partner employers.  We’re ICAS, a global professional body for Chartered Accountants (CAs). Also known as the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland, we’re proud of our roots, and train all over the UK, providing a globally recognised qualification. The event will begin with an overview of ICAS, the CA syllabus and the steps to applying to become a CA trainee. This will be followed by an opportunity to speak to our partner employers about their recruitment process. ICAS will also be on hand throughout the event to answer any questions you may have. 

14.00-14.10    ICAS Presentation

14.10-18.00    Employer Stands Open

Register here

MAKING AN IMPACT: CAREERS TO DRIVE SOCIAL CHANGE – Tuesday 23rd February, 18:00-19:00 
This is an external event hosted by Frontline. With the unprecedented impact of COVID-19, we know more of you than ever want to embark on a career that’s impactful. At this event you’ll hear from a number of panelists who have roles that are making a difference in society and influencing social change. Register to attend

KPMG Insight Session – Tuesday 23rd February, 18:00-19:00 
This is an external event hosted by ELBA. This exciting opportunity is for Higher Education students to connect with employees at KPMG from their Cloud, Data Science, Software Engineering and UX teams. Employees will be sharing their career routes, insights into their roles with live demos and answering your questions. KPMG ranked 3rd in the 2020 Social Mobility Index and have wide range of ways into working with them, from apprenticeships and grad schemes to roles for professionals.. This will be a 1.5 hour virtual event open to all students. It will explore the work and and varied specialities that exist with technology in KPMG and it will be a chance for you to network with KPMG employees and have your questions answered. Spaces are limited, you can secure your spot by filling in the short application form attached. We will be in touch with you to confirm your spot. Register here

Working in the Think Tank Sector – Wednesday 24th February, 16:00-18:00
This is an external event hosted by Resolution Foundation. Do you want to help find solutions to society’s biggest problems? Have you ever thought about working for a think tank? Think tanks are research organisations that develop ideas on a whole range of subject affecting society. They make suggestions for action, using research, analysis and commentary to inform and influence politicians, policy makers and the public. Given the recent economic, social and political issues facing the UK, encouraging more diversity in the world of research and policy-making is more important than ever. To contribute to this, a group of think tanks and similar organisations have joined together to hold a webinar for undergraduates to de-mystify the world of think tanks.
This event is aimed at:
• People from Black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups
• People with work-limiting health problems or disabilities
• Young adults with caring responsibilities (including young parents)
• Mature students
• People from lower-income backgrounds
• Care leavers
Register here

Sparta Global Virtual Huddle | DevSecOps and security by design – Thursday 25th February, 15:00-16:30
This is an external event hosted by Sparta Global. Join us on February 25th - 15:00-16:30, for our first EVER virtual Huddle, where in addition to having the opportunity to meet our Academy trainees virtually, we’ll be running an insightful industry roundtable focused on; Security by design - why DevSecOps is critical for business success. Hear from a group of professionals working across DevOps and Security and learn about the burgeoning discipline of DevSecOps. How does it inject security into the DevOps process and provide a structural assurance that code and assets will be designed with security in mind?​​ ...Then virtually meet the trainee Spartans who could help play a part in your DevSecOps evolution! At a time where so many young people have been displaced by Covid-19, we hope you can join us in supporting passionate and determined young people in the early stages of their careers. REGISTER HERE

Get into Teaching - The Thinking Schools Academy Trust – Thursday 25th February, 16:00-17:00
This is an external event hosted by The Thinking Schools Academy Trust. Have you ever considered teaching? Transform life chances with your knowledge and experience. Our Teacher Training programme is the perfect foundation upon which to build a successful career in teaching. Find out more by joining one of our ‘Design Your Future’ events today.
Our events provide a rich outline of what it is like to train with us. We will cover:
• Why teach?
• A look at a trainee teacher’s week
• Funding options available to you
• Application advice and support
Register here

Zero Carbon Careers: Opportunities in the green economy – Friday 26th February, 12:00-13:00
This is an external event hosted by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial strategy. How to find a job that offers great opportunities and helps to fight climate change. About This Event: As global temperatures rise and the Government commits to a Green Industrial Revolution to transform our economy, there has never been more green careers. Join this event to hear from our panel of experts how you can find a job which makes a meaningful contribution to the global fight against climate change.
Speakers will include:

  • Melanie Onn from Renewable UK (RenewableUK is a renewable energy trade association representing 660 organisations)
  • Anthony Field from World Wild Fund (The WWF is the world's largest conservation charity)
  • Faye Bowser from Siemens (Siemens is a global leader in green technology)

Register here

Bright Network: Bright Network Black Talent in Banking – Wednesday 3rd March, 12:30-16:45 
his is an external event hosted by Bright Network. This March, we’re looking for 75+ of our top black heritage members interested in careers in banking to join us for our inaugural Black Talent in Banking event. Whether you’re already set on a career in the sector or simply want to find out more about the industry, this is an unmissable opportunity to meet six leading graduate employers and learn more about each firm’s commitment to celebrating inclusion and diversity. Register here

PwC's Virtual Park - Explore PwC - National – Wednesday 3rd March, 15:30-18:30
This is an external event hosted by PwC. Do you want to meet our people and find out more about our culture, value and opportunities? Sign up to visit PwC's Virtual Park - our virtual reality platform, where you will be able to meet our people from all of our UK offices and business areas - Lines of Service. Hear from our Leaders about how PwC have responded to the pandemic and our plans for the future. You'll also be able to meet colleagues from our internal networks and find out more about the support and opportunity available with us. In order to access PwC's Virtual Park, you'll need to download the software before the event. To do this please follow instructions on our website. Register here

Innovia's Spring Careers Evening – Wednesday 3rd March, 18:00-19:30
This is an external event hosted by Innovia. Find out how you could invent new products and services in multidisciplinary teams as an Innovation Consultant at Innovia, and apply knowledge from your degree to real-world challenges across many industries. The event will start with a presentation about the work we do, what it's like being an innovation consultant, and how to apply for our vacancies - followed by time to chat to some of our consultants and ask questions. This event will be recorded, and hosted by Innovia via the platform Webex. Closer to the time of the event Innovia will email you a sign-in link to use via the email address you provide here.
Register here:
If you have any questions prior to the event email our HR team at recruitsupport@innoviatech.com
To find out more about vacancies and apply go to our careers page
Unable to make this date and time? Watch a recording of our last virtual careers evening here https://www.innoviatech.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Innovia-Technology-Virtual-Careers-Evening_2020.mp4

Bright Network: International Women's Day – Monday 8th March, 12:30-16:30
This is an external event hosted by Bright Network. International Women's day is back for a third year on Monday 8th March, and this year will be our biggest event yet. We're looking for 200 of our brightest female and non-binary members who are passionate about gender equality to join us for this unmissable day. Not only will you connect with multiple leading employers at the forefront of gender equality, but also other like-minded, ambitious Bright Network members with whom you can begin to build your own network. The driving force behind this event is our Student Leadership Board – seven bright, passionate students who are committed to female empowerment. Register here

Kent Police: Positive Action Sessions – Thursday 11th March, 11:00-12:30
This is an external event hosted by Kent Police. Kent Police has many opportunities that they are keen to attract a diverse range of applicants to apply for – these range from support staff roles to front line officers. A list of current vacancies can be found at Jobs - recruiting now We are particularly keen to increase the interest from diverse groups for our Kent Police Officer #MoreThanTheBadge recruitment campaign and are using positive action initiatives for groups who are under-represented and would like to receive some support in joining our organisation. This is to support our passion to ensure our workforce has the ability to reflect the diverse communities of Kent. If you are interested in becoming a police officer with us, then come along and join us at one of our sessions.  These are designed to support candidates at the various stages of the application process – from pre-application, the online assessment process and interview. Register for one of the Positive Action events to help you decide if you would like to join us as a police constable. Register here

Bright Network: Diversity & Inclusion – Wednesday 17th March, 12:30-17:45
This is an external event hosted by Bright Network. Our mission at Bright Network is to help ambitious young people from all backgrounds find the best job they deserve – that’s why we’re delighted to be running our Diversity & Inclusion event virtually this March. Join us for the chance to connect with 30+ graduate employers championing inclusive workforces and feel empowered to bring your authentic self to the workplace as you embark on your graduate career. Application deadline is 10th March 2021, 11:59pm Register here