PASS sessions on how to read scientific papers!

PASS sessions on how to read scientific papers!

by Hady George -
Number of replies: 0


As the year rolls on, more and more is expected of us students. To achieve the best grades we can, we must familiarise ourselves with how to approach reading scientific papers. Some of the literature might sound like a bunch of jibberish that doesn't make sense at first glance, but by knowing the tricks to reading papers we can make the most of our research. This week the PASS sessions will be about how to efficiently read papers by understanding the main relevant points and glossing over the irrelevant details. 

The sessions are on Monday and Wednesday. Both are from 4-5 PM.

You can access the sessions by going to the SBCS PASS QMplus page and clicking on the webinar tab.

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If you have any questions please let me know

Hady George

SBCS PASS student organiser