Life of patients with chronic illness

Life of patients with chronic illness

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 4


Charmaz in her paper talks about various consequences that patient and his family has to face due to chronic illness.  She talks about the isolation that takes over patients and they lose their own self for various psychological reasons. For example this 25yr  old patient  when interviewed said he can't meet up with friends for drinks at night anymore while another young patient spoke about not being able to travel for over 2weeks due to her regular blood tests. Another woman mentions that she can't be with people in their hard times which has socially isolated her . 

I found interesting how A woman spoke about feeling independent and more confidant just by having a car in her porch although she hasn't driven it for 6 months. 
Loss of self is another thing mentioned  by the author example a patient in his interview speaks about losing two years of his life just trying to make peace with his new self which was unable to do things he used to when he was well. 
Another thing i observed in the interviews was that most of the people had a similar reaction of anger, shock to the disease while some were also relieved to finally have the disease diagnosed. Like one woman went to her GP thrice and each time he sent her back with ibuprofen so she cried with the sense of relief once she was diagnosed
While another patient was angry that she had always done good things in life then why did she get RA. 
What I found interesting, was  how most of the patients do overcome the psychological effects of diseases with time and learn to live with it and start a fresh life,  infact use the disease as a tool for self discovery
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Re: Life of patients with chronic illness

by Patricia Greenhalgh -

Well done for posting first Anam. How do you (or others) think that the narrative ('story-telling') form helps us understand what the patient is going through. Narrative has a number of dimensions including characters, plot, chronology (unfolding over time), but perhaps most significiantly for our purposes narrative involves TROUBLE. Life was going along just fine and then illness, the 'trouble' happened and now llife just isn't the same!  

Can any of you comment on this?

In reply to Patricia Greenhalgh

Re: Life of patients with chronic illness

by Deleted user -

Thanks Trish.

Yes, narrative analysis does come down to trouble or somtimes how to overcome the trouble because narrative form is a good way to assess psychological condition of a patient. This could be used to ask personal questions regarding family etc. In this way patient feels free to speak for as long as he wants and hence exlain in anyway he pleases.

You get to derive a lot of information in this way not just by what the patient says but also through his facial expressions, body language, pitch of the speech etc. All this information is not required when asking basic questions example regarding the medication or its dosage which could be done by quantitative analysis.

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Life of patients with chronic illness

by Deleted user -

I totally agree with anam..especially where you mentioned that through facial expression and body language you can make an impression abou the patient and the sufferings he/she is going through. 

Narrative analysis sometime becomes the major part of the treatment in order to understand and  improve the psychological status of the patient.

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Life of patients with chronic illness

by Deleted user -

I really liked it when you said this 'most of the patients do overcome the psychological effects of diseases with time and learn to live with it and start a fresh life, infact use the disease as a tool for self discovery'.

I agree when you said that patients use the disease as a tool for self discovery.