Message on behalf of Mat Robathan (BLSA President)

Message on behalf of Mat Robathan (BLSA President)

by Madelaine Preedy -
Number of replies: 0

Dear finalists,

I hope you are all well! 

I am contacting you about Colours and Blues nominations. These are the awards given to final year BL students when they graduate to recognise their achievements and contributions within a student group. We wanted to let you know that we have slightly extended the nomination deadline for Blues and Colours to Thursday 4th at 9am. This is so those finalists who were understandably busy with revision can ensure their nominations have been submitted. Therefore, if you want to, make sure you approach your student groups to check they have been able to submit a nomination on your behalf. Rest assured that many have already done so however. 

For nominations that miss this new deadline, it will still be possible for finalists to fill in the form as part of the Appeals process, which will be in March/ April (date TBC closer to the time), but this is in exceptional circumstances. 

Please remember, you can also nominate yourself for a Blue or Colour award for a student group that no longer exists. In this specific circumstance, finalists can submit a nomination themselves (in other cases, the group committee must submit the form) but please make sure that you select "Disaffiliated Group" and then proceed to note the student group's name in the box below it. Then proceed to fill in the form as normal. 

If you feel your work as part of a non-affiliated group also deserves to be recognised, we are accepting some nominations from such groups this year. Make sure you approach your group's committee about this and let them know to fill the form.

All details and forms are on Again if you do have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact any one of the VPs ( or, who will be able to help you.

Kind regards,

Mat Robathan

BLSA President

Barts and The London Students’ Association