World Health Organisation Executive Board meeting - briefings and debates

World Health Organisation Executive Board meeting - briefings and debates

by Andrew Harmer -
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Dear all, 

This might be of interest, particularly those of you who are taking the elective module Global Health Law and Governance. 

Meeting website: here

Zoom registration: here

Dear colleagues,

We herewith invite you to a series online briefings and debates hosted by the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) and organized by some of our members and partners in the week before the 148th Session of the WHO Executive Board (see website of EB148).

Monday, 11 January 2021, 12.30-14.00 CET
Human rights and the Covid-19 response: lessons for the future, action for now
Session organized by the People’s Health Movement

Tuesday, 12 January 2021, 16.30-18.00 CET
What can WHO contribute to making COVID-19 vaccines, treatments and technologies global public goods?
Session organized by Viva Salud

Wednesday, 13 January 2021, 16.30-18.00 CET
Private sector engagement for strong health systems?
Session organized by WSFHSS and CSEND

Thursday 14 January 2021, 16.30-18.00 CET
Rescuing the World Health Organization from itself?
Session organized by Society for International Development SID

Friday, 15 January 2021, 16.30-18.00 CET
What reform agenda for the WHO Executive Board?
Session organized by Medicus Mundi International Network

All sessions can be attended independently. Please register now to attend one or several sessions. And please help us disseminate this announcement among your staff, members and partners.

The content of the briefings and debates was shaped through the feedback received from G2H2 members, based on their scrutiny of the topics to be taken up by the WHO Executive Board. In the tradition of G2H2 briefings ahead of WHO governing body meetings, all sessions will start with analysis and proposals provided by civil society organizations, followed by responses by representatives of WHO members and the Secretariat (if available) and a general debate.

The meeting website and the enclosed compilation of leaflets includes abstracts of the five sessions and contacts to the organizing teams. More information such as detailed session outlines and lists of invited speakers will be added to the meeting website as soon as they are available. Please reach out to the session organizer if you are interested to contribute to a particular briefing/debate. For general enquiries, please get in touch with the G2H2 Secretariat. 

Thanks for your attention, and best regards,

For the organizing team
Thomas Schwarz, G2H2 Secretariat