Discourse analysis and dementia

Discourse analysis and dementia

by Moaize Chechi -
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Discourse analysis is the study of communication; encompassing verbal and non-verbal interaction. By examining a conversation from a different perspective than the biochemical one, a deeper understanding can be achieved; one that looks beyond the literal meaning of the words used. Thus social and anthropological theories can be applied in a complementary sense to aid the doctor-patient relationship.


Here is the discourse analysis I studied:




This study looked at residents in a nursing home, with and without dementia. 60 transcript interviews were analysed for the presence of ‘discourse building’ features and ‘discourse impairing’ features. Not surprisingly, discourse impairing features, such as disruptive topic shifts and empty phrases were more common in the dementia patients.


ª     Initially I was a bit sceptical as to how this study is going to contribute to increase our understanding of patient’s with dementia or improve the way we interact with them, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life of the patient. It seems to be merely pointing out patient’s with dementia have a greater difficulty in maintaining conversation, which a lot of people would say is kind of obvious.

ª     However, the last 2 paragraphs of the discussion outline how the data could be used to improve the conversational skills of dementia patient’s which would allow closer relationships with those around them, and thereby improving their quality of life. Although it does this by referring to 2 papers already published.