Final Dissertation module seminar/webinar on health policy analysis

Final Dissertation module seminar/webinar on health policy analysis

by Giuliano Russo -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all,

This Friday we will hold our last Dissertation Module seminar/webinar, and we will analyse the UK Government's initial public health policy response to covid-19.

There are two extremely interesting pieces to read for this activity: the first is this BMJ editorial on the government response back in April/May 2020, and the second is this The Guardian's investigation on the inside story behind the coronavirus crisis.

In the break-out groups you will be asked to:

  • Present the official UK Government policy: succinctly explain its contents – perhaps referring back to specific sections of the readings to back it up;
  • Analyse the policy: explain what its context was, who the actors supporting or opposing it were, and how it was approved / implemented;
  • Critically assess the policy: what do you think made this UK Government policy response successful (or unsuccessful)?

As usual, the face to face seminar starts at 11am in G 3.06. The online webinar starts right after at 1-2.30pm (see the Blackboard Collaborate link below). 

We very much look forward to seeing you either in person or online!

Best wishes,



  1. Buse, K., Mays, N. and Walt, G., 2005. Making Health PolicyUnderstanding Public Health. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  2. Collins, T., 2005. ‘Health Policy Analysis: A Simple Tool for Policy Makers’. Public Health, 119(3), pp.192–96.
  3. Gilson, L., and Raphaely, N., 2008. ‘The Terrain of Health Policy Analysis in Low and Middle Income Countries: A Review of Published Literature 1994–2007’. Health Policy and Planning, 23(5), pp.294–307. (Links to an external site.).
  4. Walt, G., and Gilson, L., 1994. ‘Reforming the Health Sector in Developing Countries: The Central Role of Policy Analysis’. Health Policy and Planning, 9(4), pp.353–70. (Links to an external site.).