Dissertation module - seminar/webinar agenda

Dissertation module - seminar/webinar agenda

by Giuliano Russo -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all,

Welcome all to your final BSc year! 

This Friday (25th Sept) we will be holding our first on-site and online seminar sessions for the Dissertation module. The online seminar will be at 11am in G3.06, while the webinar will start at 1pm (see the Blackboard link in the relevant QM+ pages).

Seminar and webinar will be organised around the following activities:

  1. Reflection on the WHO global health priorities (see the relevant Youtube video and postings);
  2. Identification of your own preliminary topics for dissertations (see the readings);
  3. Q&A on the Dissertation module (see the video lecture).

Please do cover all the material and readings uploaded in QM+ for this week (Flora's tips are particularly good).

I am looking forward to seeing you all in person or online.

Best wishes,
