Contemporary Issues in Global Health - week 1 webinar agenda

Contemporary Issues in Global Health - week 1 webinar agenda

by Andrew Harmer -
Number of replies: 0

Hello everyone, 

Welcome to Contemporary Issues in Global Health! Dami and I are looking forward to guiding you through the module. 

All your material for week one is on QM+ - we hope you enjoy working through the various tasks we have produced for you! Please make sure you read the required reading for this week and come prepared to discuss them during the webinar on Thursday. 

You will see that we have added a Forum on QM+ for each week of the module. We will use this to post questions or additional material, and we also encourage you to use to post questions as you work through the material. We will monitor the forum daily and be able to respond, and we hope that other students will respond too!

We also encourage you to go through the module description page on QMPlus, which gives more information about the module, a timetable, and information about assessment. We hope you will enjoy engaging with the module content and look forward to your active participation in the discussions and activities planned for the module. 

Agenda for week 1 webinar

• Introductions
• Assessment 
• Discussion on readings
• Group activity* 
• Plenary discussion – identify challenges 
• The Forum 
• Q/A

*Group activity

• What global health issue can you pick from the newspaper?
• Why is this a contemporary issue?
• How are you describing the challenge; what language are you using to describe it? 
• What part of the challenge are you focusing on?

Best wishes,

Andrew and Dami