by Caroline Lisser -
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Alumni Career Conversations Spring 2018: MEDIA; CHARITIES; DIGITAL; PUBLISHING

Meet & learn from QM History, English & Drama & SLFF alumni now working in areas as diverse as TV production, lobbying Government, managing celebrities and enabling African businesses to innovate through technology.

We will explore each of the four sectors in turn (Media; Digital; Charities; Publishing), during our Thursday evening series in February & March, aiming to broaden your awareness of both the different sectors and also the range of roles within these, from ‘Artist Liaison Manager’ to ‘Production co-ordinator’.

If you know that you want to work in one of these areas, then these are ‘don’t miss’ events. 

Alternatively, if you are uncertain about the future, then this is a fantastic opportunity to come & find out what appeals to you and also, what definitely doesn’t!!

Our speakers are all QM alumni who understand what it is like to be a student wondering how to start to build a career in these difficult to get into sectors.

The events will all explore what different roles involve, how to get started in the sectors, how to get work experience, characteristics for success, top tips… and lots of inspiration that you too could be in these jobs soon! 

All the events take place on Thursdays 6.15 – 7.45pm in The Bancroft Building.  You can book your place & find more details on all the events here: or click on the individual event links below.

See you there!

1.  Exploring Careers in Media - 8th February

Focusing this year on careers in TV and Radio, speakers confirmed so far are:

Giles Edwards - BBC Radio Producer & Elections Editor

Giles initially studied History & Politics at Warwick and later took an MA in History at QM.  He spent a number of years as a Research Analyst at the BBC supporting Journalists before moving into radio production - particularly documentaries and features for Radio 4 and the World Service.

Abigail Stroman - Production Co-ordinator, Victoria Derbyshire programme, BBC TV

Abigail studied Film at QM.  She has worked in a variety of BBC TV production roles since 2011.

Tasha Mathur - Picture Editor SKY

Tasha studied English at QM and before SKY had a varied background as a Media Researcher and Journalist.

Anila Dhami - Presenter/Assistant Producer, ITN News - TBC

Anila studied English at QM and has worked in various roles as a journalist.  She is waiting for her scheduling on the ITN rota for February before confirming her attendance.



2. Exploring Careers in Digital – 15th February

Working in digital means working for organisations, which mainly operate online. So that’s a LOT of organisations! Our speakers studied Languages, History & English and have wide-ranging roles including, interestingly, technical roles as well as generalist ones.

Ben Harper - Start-up founder focused on data and marketing

After graduating from QM in History, Ben joined the police as an Intelligence Analyst, subsequently working in a variety of analytical roles before founding Datify, a data driven, digital marketing agency.

Erika Jonikaite - Full Stack Javascript Engineer at Lightful

Erika studied English Language & Literature at QM and then decided to retrain as a software developer.

Jerome Pratt - Software Developer at BitPesa 

Jerome did French Studies & Business at QM. He started coding as a hobby and after doing an immersive course he became a programmer, building software.

Matt Woodward – Marketing Manager at Adbrain

Matt studied History & Journalism at QM and specialises in marketing for small digital agencies.  


3. Exploring Careers in Charities – 1st March

You will see that our speakers work in very different roles within charities, but they also work for very different causes too, from International Development to Cancer.

Amy McCarthy - Artist Liaison Manager, Save the Children

Amy studied English & Drama at QM and as Artist Liaison Manager works with celebrities to maximise the impact of their support for Save the Children.  She previously had a similar role at Comic Relief.

Ryan Henson - Senior Political Advisor, CAFOD.

Ryan studied History at QM - both BA and MA.  He was a parliamentary assistant in the House of Commons before joining CAFOD.

Ieuan Care - Communications & Research Officer, Tower Hamlets Council for Voluntary Service.

Ieuan studied History at QM - both BA & MA and has previously been involved with the Mile End Group and local politics.

Masoodah Khanam - Supporter Care Executive, Target Ovarian Cancer

Masoodah studied Geography at QM and now looks after donors who support the UK's largest Ovarian Cancer Charity.



4. Exploring Careers in Publishing – 8th March

Publishing involves everything from writing books to producing and selling them… this event will try to explore as many of these opportunities as possible.

Speakers… to be confirmed.