Revision sessions for different courses in week 12

Revision sessions for different courses in week 12

by . Hira Javaid -
Number of replies: 0

Hey everyone,


We are having a number of revision sessions for different courses all through week 12. During the presentation, we will take you through every single module for your course (yup every single one!) and talk about what you need to know, what you don't need to know, what exams for each were like, example questions, and other specific tips and advice, followed by a chance for you to ask your questions. (Recordings may or may not be available depending on the preference of the mentor presenting so make sure you come!)


The times and venues are as follows, so add them to your calendar!


Biochemistry 2nd Year: Monday 27th, 2-3pm at Geog 1.26

Medical Genetics 2nd Year: Tuesday 28th, 12:30pm-1:30pm at Grad Centre 201

Biomedical Sciences 2nd Year: Tuesday 28th, 2pm-3pm at Fogg LT

Chemistry 1st Year: Wednesday 29th, 12-1 pm at Geog 1.26

Biochemistry 1st Year: Friday 31st, 2-3pm at Geog 2.26


Apologies if your course is not on here, we do not have mentors from every course at PASS this year. Hopefully that is an improvement for the upcoming year.


We also have the regular 1-2pm PASS session running on Tuesday at Bancroft 1.15. We have so many rooms booked this week, it feels like we're taking over QMUL!


See you there!
