Getting your post MA career on track...

Getting your post MA career on track...

by Caroline Lisser -
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For those interested in any kind of career in Business - lots of graduate schemes are still open.  Best place to start browsing to get an idea is

For a wider range of graduate career options from Auctioneering to Technology go to

If you are still at the idea generation & exploration stage, you could start at

If you are wondering how to best sell your MA experience on your CV and in Applications, come along to Dr Moffat's History in Action session on 8th February.   After this, dedicated Career discussions will be available to book with Caroline Lisser on 8th March - more info on the day.  However in the meantime Caroline has general appointments available in the Careers & Enterprise office on 9th Feb, 23rd Feb & 2nd March - these can be booked a week in advance by calling 020 7882 8533.


Psychometric testing

Anyone applying for any kind of Graduate Scheme will be asked to do some kind of Pyschometric Testing.  Through QMUL you have free access to various practice tests... practicing these tests can make a huge difference.

To access these, follow these instructions:

Visit the Careers & Enterprise QMPlus page by selecting 'Careers' from the ‘Student Life’ menu.

The last box ‘INTERVIEW AND PSYCHOMETRIC TEST PRACTICE TOOLS’ contains links to Assessment Day, as well as Graduates First (more psychometric test practice) and abintegro (mock interview simulator).

Students need to register with their @qmul email address. 


Mock Interviews with Credit Suisse

When you have an employer interview coming up, you can book a Mock Interview with QMUL Careers & Enterprise, but if you would just like to try out your skills & have experience of being interviewed by staff from Credit Suisse, take advantage of this opportunity. N.B. These are not interviews for roles at Credit Suisse!

East London Business Alliance (ELBA) has partnered with Credit Suisse to give students the opportunity to take part in Mock Interviews.

Sign up for your Mock Interview!

Interviews will take place on the following dates:

3rd, 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th March 2017

To apply, please email a copy of your CV and preferred date to and make sure you put Mock Interviews in the subject line. We will email you to let you know if you have been selected for the programme.