SBCS PASS Session Friday 30th September 4pm-5pm

SBCS PASS Session Friday 30th September 4pm-5pm

by Mark Small -
Number of replies: 0

Hi Mentees,


Hope everyone's settling in at university nicely! We have a PASS session this Friday, 30th September from 4-5pm in Bancroft 1.13 and Bancroft 1.13a (the two rooms are side by side).


 A lot of you have emailed about the PASS sessions and I'm very glad to see so many of you interested. SBCS is a very big school and a lot of mentees are expected on Friday, but we can have a maximum of 110 attendees due to room size. If you would like to come, please sign up using the Eventsbrite link below and if you can't make it please do cancel your booking so that someone else can come instead. Don't worry if you can't make it, we will have regular PASS sessions every week! I will let you know soon via email what the days and venues are.


 Eventsbrite link:


Please note, we are not holding the 1-2pm session on Friday as advertised earlier as this has been postponed to 4-5pm. Also, this session is for first and second year students only; 3rd year students have no one to mentor them sadly because there is no one in the year above us!


Many of you missed last week's session but no worries, I am sending you the presentation from the day so you can see what I talked about and hopefully find that helpful. It has lots of tips on getting started with your first year at uni, expectations, study tips, etc. This week will be different- no presentations- but a drop-in style session where you come in and chat to your mentors about your problems/queries. The link to last week's video presentation is!ArpOK3c7GRwxgd4T8IlBpZAXEQ54UA You will need to download this onto your computer to be able to play the video.


See you there!



PASS student organizer

Caroline Brennan

Royal Society Industrial Fellow

Senior lecturer in Molecular Genetics

School of Biological and Chemical Sciences

Queen Mary University of London

Tel: 02078826357