4. How to manage references

4.1. Introduction to Referencing Management Software

There are a number of reference management software packages which are freely available. We will introduce you to three of the most popular.

Each of these packages has various advantages, summarised on the table below. You can access each and set up accounts from the following pages - experiment and find which one suits your particular requirements.

Referencing Management Software Comparison Table

EndNote logo
Mendeley logo
Zotero logo


Online (Endnote Basic), desktop and mobile app.

Free - Version X9 available to download for through IT Services for your personal PC or Mac

An enhanced version of Endnote Basic is available via Queen Mary University of London Library's subscription through Web of Science.

For the enhanced version via the library’s subscription of Web of Science. Please click on bite size video demos and look for instructions under Signing up Off campus.

Online, desktop 

Free basic version

Online, desktop and mobile app

Free basic version

Word processor compatibility

MS Word

Apache OpenOffice


MS Word



MS Word


Google Docs

Captures from pdf documents and webpages?


Yes Yes

Citation / bibliography styles

List of citation styles in EndNote 

(A limited number of styles are available in Endnote Basic)

List of citation styles in Mendeley 

List of citation styles in Zotero 

Sharing / collaboration

Share your entire library with up to 100 other colleagues

With EndNote Basic, you can store up to 50,000 records and 2 GB of attachments.

With EndNote X7.2 and later, there is unlimited record and attachment storage.

Mendeley users with a free account can create and own a single private group. There's no limit on the number of private groups free users can join, however each private group created by a free account can only have a maximum of three members. 

For free users, the storage space limit is 2GB

Share your entire library and create groups. No limit on how many members may join your groups, and your full storage subscription is always available to your personal and group libraries.

Library training available?  Yes  Yes  No

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