1. How do I correctly reference my work?

1.1. The Harvard Referencing Style

The Harvard referencing style is a commonly used author-date system.

Whenever you quote another person's words or specifically refer to their work you must cite the author's surname and the year of publication. For example:

Macromolecules are the central molecules of all living organisms (Liljas, 2009)... or Lijas (2009) notes that macromolecules are the central molecules of all living organisms...

This would be inserted into your reference list/bibliography as:

Liljas, A. (2009). Textbook of structural biology. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific.

The following are some examples of how different items are referenced:

Learn more about the Harvard referencing style using Cite Them Right Online: https://www.citethemrightonline.com/

You can find more books on referencing via Library Search.

Cite them Right 

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