Module: Epidemiology and Statistics

Topic 10

Topic 10: Revision


The objective for this session is to review and consolidate the material from previous sessions and to prepare for the examination.


This will take the form a brief overview summarising the main statistical and epidemiological concepts covered and their relationship to each other. There will be time for students to ask questions.



Prior to the seminar, students will be assigned one statistical/epidemiological concept to describe in their own words. Write a few sentences on a piece of paper (no more than 100 words) and bring to the seminar. The seminar will be a relaxed affair; the purpose is to focus students on the important concepts introduced in the course and provide an opportunity to fill in and discuss any gaps in knowledge. The seminar will finish with some practice questions- Four specimen examination questions are available CLICK HERE FOR SPECIMEN EXAM QUESTIONS

Preparation for this week

Review all of the material from the course. 

Draw a spider diagram of all the statistical and epidemiological concepts and bring it with you to the lecture. 

Make a list of three questions you would like answered during this session.

Set Reading

There is no external set reading for this session. However, students should review all in-class course material and any associated hand out notes.



Lecture Notes and Powerpoints