1. Disclaimer

This handbook should be used together with the Academic Regulations and arcs.qmul.ac.uk/students. This handbook provides information specific to the School of Mathematical Sciences, while arcs.qmul.ac.uk/students gives information common to all students at Queen Mary. The Academic Regulations provide detailed information on progression, award and classification requirements.

Nothing in this handbook overrides the Academic Regulations, which always take precedence.

The Academic Regulations are available online at: http://www.arcs.qmul.ac.uk/policy/

The information in this handbook is correct as of [Tuesday 29th October 2019]We will endeavour to keep the information in this handbook correct but it may occasionally lag behind reality. In the unlikely event of substantial amendments to the material during an academic year, the School of Mathematical Sciences will inform you of any changes via email and QMPlus announcements. You should always refer to the latest version.

Queen Mary cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of information given in third party publications or websites referred to in this handbook.


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This handbook is available in large print format. If you would like a large print copy, please contact the Maths School Office, Mathematical Sciences Building - MB102, 02078825470. If you have other requirements for the handbook, please contact William Ng (Student Support Officer), 02078825454.