Late Submission Penalties


If an assignment is submitted after the specified deadline it shall be recorded as late and a penalty shall be applied, as detailed below. If there are valid extenuating circumstances then a penalty may be fully or partially waived.

i. For every period of 24 hours, or part thereof, that an assignment is overdue there shall be a deduction of five per cent of the total marks available (i.e. five marks for an assessment marked out of 100). After seven calendar days (168 hours or more late) the mark shall be reduced to zero, and recorded as 0FL (zero, fail, late).

ii. A student may submit work of passing standard but fail the module because of the late submission penalty. Where the student is eligible for a resit attempt in such a case, the student shall not be required to resubmit the assessment; instead, the pre-deduction mark from the first attempt shall be entered for the resit. Where a student is not eligible for a resit, this provision does not apply.

iii. Certain assessments may cease to be a valid measure of a module’s learning outcomes prior to the seven working day cut-off. For example, where feedback has been provided to the class, any submission made after that point would not be an accurate measure of attainment. In such cases, the late submission policy shall apply as normal up to the day on which feedback is given; at that point, a mark of zero (0FL) shall be applied, even if this is within seven calendar days of the deadline. The School of Mathematical Sciences will make it clear to students in advance where this variant policy applies, or else the general policy shall be applied.

iv. A late work penalty may be removed where a student provides good reason for the late submission under the extenuating circumstances policy and the extenuating circumstances claim is approved. A student must submit a formal claim with supporting evidence in line with that policy in order for the circumstances to be considered. If an extenuating circumstances claim is rejected no further action will be taken.

v. The School of Mathematical Sciences may award extensions to submission deadlines. This is at the discretion of the School of Mathematical Sciences and usually requires an approved extenuating circumstances claim. For an extension to be considered, a student must apply before the submission date with an extenuating circumstances claim and supporting evidence. In no circumstances shall an extension set a new deadline beyond the next meeting of the relevant Subject Examination Board (though a first sit may be awarded).

Word count policies and penalties

The School of Mathematical Sciences does not apply any penalties where students exceed a specified word count. Students are provided with a word count by the relevant module organiser/lecturer which acts as a guideline.