Feedback, Marking and Grading Criteria

Grade (West Ham Trackside)Marking of assessed work in mathematical sciences is normally objective and specified down to a level of around 1–2% for an exam or around 5% for a test or coursework exercise. We award marks for knowledge (e.g. reproducing definitions, theorems and proofs), understanding (e.g. applying definitions and theorems and constructing proofs) and technical ability (e.g. completing calculations correctly). We normally award partial marks for partial answers, such as partly correct knowledge, partial understanding or partly correct calculations.

All elements of assessment will include an indication of the allocation of marks to questions or sub-questions (although not necessarily at the level of detail used to mark the work). All assessment will follow the Queen Mary Code of Practice on Assessment and Feedback.

Feedback can consist of grades, written comments, verbal comments and discussions. The relevant module organiser will make it clear what type of feedback will be provided in each module.

To view your marks for assessment, log-in to MySIS (your personal area of SIS) with your usual computer log-in, where they will be listed. These marks are provisional and subject to change until they are agreed by the appropriate subject examination board. MySIS will indicate whether the results are provisional or confirmed. Guides on checking your results on MySIS are available on the Student Enquiry website (

Mark ranges and their corresponding grades broadly mean the following.

100–70%, A
Excellent knowledge base with perceptive understanding of mathematics. Able to calculate quickly and accurately. Outstanding comprehension and clarity of expression. Has the potential to operate effectively and independently as a mathematician.

69–60%, B
Good knowledge base and understanding of mathematics. Able to calculate quickly and accurately in most situations. Good comprehension and clarity of expression. Has the potential to operate effectively under supervision as a mathematician.

59–50%, C
Adequate knowledge base and understanding of basic mathematics. Able to calculate accurately in some situations. Acceptable comprehension and clarity of expression. May not have the potential to operate effectively as a mathematician.

49–40%, D
Limited evidence of understanding or ability to apply basic mathematics. Limited ability to calculate quickly or accurately. Limited ability to construct a logical argument. Poor comprehension. Explanations lack precision and clarity.

39–0%, F
Does not show evidence of understanding or ability to apply basic mathematics. Unable to calculate quickly or accurately. Unable to construct a logical argument. No comprehension. Explanations lack meaning.

To view your marks for assessment, log-in to MySIS (your personal area of SIS) with your usual computer log-in, where they will be listed. These are marks are provisional and subject to change until they are agreed by the appropriate subject examination board. MySIS will indicate whether the results are provisional or confirmed. Guides on checking your results on MySis are available on the Student Enquiry website (

Exam Script Viewing and feedback

The School of Mathematical Sciences will hold exam script viewing sessions after each main exam period. These sessions give students a chance to view their exam script and get some feedback from an academic member of staff and get some valuable feedback and comments to enable improvements in future assessments.

These sessions are only for feedback and not for students to argue marks as there are no grounds of complaint or appeal against academic judgement.