4. School/Institute Procedures

4.4. Student Engagement


The purpose of this Student Engagement Policy is to foster a supportive learning environment by actively monitoring student engagement. We aim to identify and address potential issues early, ensuring students receive timely support throughout their academic journey. Engagement is a key indicator of student success, and this policy is designed to help you stay on track and succeed in your studies.


Engagement Monitoring

Your engagement in learning activities is essential, and we use a range of tools to monitor your involvement. Engagement is measured by several markers, including:

  • Attendance: Participation in scheduled classes, both online and in-person.
  • Submission of Assessments: Formative and summative assessment submissions.
  • Use of Learning Platforms: Engagement with platforms like QMplus for watching videos, accessing reading materials, and completing quizzes.


Each programme will have specific engagement markers tailored to its learning activities, so it is important that you are aware of these expectations.


Engagement Thresholds

A threshold for student engagement is set to ensure consistent participation. If no evidence of engagement (e.g., no class attendance, no online activity, or missed submissions) is recorded for 10 consecutive days, you will be flagged for support interventions. However, some programmes may set higher thresholds.


Support and Interventions

If your engagement drops below the required threshold, the following steps will be taken to support you:

  1. Initial Contact: You will receive an email to discuss any difficulties you may be experiencing and provide advice on how to re-engage with your studies.
  2. Follow-Up Communication: If there is no response to the initial contact, additional attempts will be made via email, phone, or other communication methods.
  3. Escalation: If you continue to be disengaged without valid reasons, further actions may include referral to your advisor or a meeting with senior academic staff, such as the Student Support Officer (SSO) or Wellbeing Director.

At any point, if you are facing personal, health, or wellbeing challenges, you are encouraged to inform the university so appropriate support can be provided.


Consequences of Continued Non-Engagement

If your engagement continues to be a concern despite the support offered:

  • Meetings with Support Staff: You may be invited to meet with the Student Support Officer or Wellbeing Director to explore any barriers to your engagement.
  • Final Steps: If these efforts are not productive and there is no improvement in your engagement, non-engagement may ultimately lead to deregistration, particularly if you fail to meet the progression or award requirements of your programme.


Responsibilities of Students

To meet the expectations of this policy, you are responsible for:

  • Attending all required classes and actively participating in your modules.
  • Submitting assessments on time and engaging with learning materials provided online.
  • Regularly checking university communication channels (e.g., emails, learning platforms) for updates on your engagement status.


Further Support

If you need help understanding the engagement expectations, or if you encounter any difficulties in meeting them, several resources are available to support you:

  • Advisors: Contact your academic advisor for guidance.
  • Student Support Officers: Reach out for advice on how to re-engage with your studies.
  • Wellbeing Services: If personal issues are affecting your engagement, the university's wellbeing services are available to help.



Your engagement is crucial to your success. This policy ensures that support is in place to help you stay engaged and overcome any challenges you may encounter during your studies. By maintaining consistent participation, you will maximise your potential for academic achievement.