3. School/Institute information

3.1. School or Institute location and contact details

EECS School Office 

Your main point of contact for administrative matters is the Education Services Team located in the Temporary Building (TB105 for Programme Administration; TB204 for Student Support).

The office opening hours during term time are Monday to Friday 10:00 to 16:00, except for Welcome Week where the Student Support team will be in the ground floor lab Monday to Thursday 10:00 to 16:00. More limited hours may apply during vacations and students will be notified in advance of any closure dates. 

Education Services Team members are also available via advanced bookable appointments.

The School is located across three buildings; the third and fourth floors of the Peter Landin Building, the east end of the ground, first and second floors of the Engineering building and the temporary building opposite the graduate center.

Maps are available online at: http://www.qmul.ac.uk/about/howtofindus/