6.1. Preventing disease and promoting health

Summary of session: 

This week’s topic for Team Based Learning will be on preventing disease and promoting health.  This is a key element of medicine and in particular general practice and primary care, where 90% of clinical contacts take place.   Medicine is rapidly shifting towards a preventative approach at local, national and global level, and our learning should reflect this. 

Learning objectives: 

By the end of this session, you should be able to:

 Understand the benefits of health promotion and disease prevention in the context of the specific patient population 

Describe methods by which we can prevent disease and promote health 

Describe and explain benefits of specific public health interventions such as targeting smoking cessation, reducing obesity and the harm caused by alcohol abuse, dietary interventions and increased physical activity

Apply public health principles to a local population and their specific needs 

Have gained greater awareness of the global and multicultural aspects of delivering evidence-based, sustainable healthcare. 

Link for the QM Plus TBL session

**Will be added in run up to session**