6.3. Holistic medicine/biopsychosocial

Summary of session: 

Holistic care is about seeing the patient as a ‘whole’. This is a concept practiced by GPs daily, as we are normally at the centre of the patient's care. Holistic care involves looking at the patient from the point of view of physical, social and mental aspects of health (known as biopsychosocial model). In most (but not all) cases, these different areas may overlap and interact, and so rather than looking at individual areas, it is paramount consider all areas.  

Short line about the different section. 

Learning Objectives 

1. Identify the core principles and components of holistic care in the medical field. 

2. Analyse the importance of incorporating holistic care in the overall management and treatment of patients. 

3. Explore the potential benefits and limitations of using holistic care approaches in medical practice. 

4. Apply a holistic care framework to assess and address the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of patients. 

5. Evaluate the role of effective communication and empathy in establishing trust and rapport with patients in a holistic care context. 

6. Collaborate with team members to develop comprehensive and patient-centered treatment plans that integrate holistic care principles. 

7. Examine the impact of cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic factors on the provision of holistic care and health outcomes. 

8. Discuss ethical considerations and potential challenges associated with incorporating holistic care into standard medical practice. 

9. Engage in critical thinking and problem-solving exercises to analyse case studies or scenarios that require the application of holistic care principles. 

Link for the QM Plus TBL session

**Will be added in run up to session**