9. Appendices

9.4. Role Play feedback

Student Name: ........................................ Date: ..................

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Skill Examples Feedback

Introduction & Orientation

Full name and role. Name preference. Checks patient’s comfort. Explains purpose of interview. Confidentiality including notetaking. Seeks consent to continue. Welcoming manner.

Patient backstory

Provides the ‘Golden Minute’: encouraging the patient to tell their story. Elicits a timeline of events. Shows respectful curiosity about the patient.

Patient Perspective

The patient’s ideas, concerns and expectations.

‘What matters to the patient?’

Content - biomedical perspective

Adequately explores information needed for diagnosis or management. This includes both bio/medical and psycho/social content.

‘What is the matter with the patient?’


Shows interest, respect and concern. Responding to patient’s answers. Picks up on patient’s cues. Asks appropriate questions (open & closed)

Empathic Responses

Reflecting back and acknowledging patients’ feelings and concerns as expressed in the interview.

Appropriate Reassurance

Handles uncertainty appropriately. Refrains from false or premature reassurance. Offers appropriate reassurance or help.


Systematic and logical flow, signposting and summarising. Guiding the patient through the consultation.


Summarises main points to ensure everything is covered. Explains next steps (if applicable).

Thanks patient.

Student Name: ........................................ Date: ..................