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Completion requirements

General Practice 2  Handbook

6. Appendices


To be signed by each student and emailed to their GP tutor  



The Learning Agreement lays out the responsibilities that students, their supervisors, host GP practices and the medical school have to each other. It emphasizes the mutual roles of learners and teachers for a successful clinical placement; that maintains safety for all.   


The Supervising GP Tutor will have overall responsibility for the quality and organisation of the placement ensuring the student (s), have: 

  • An induction 

  • A named supervising GP Tutor for each day  

  • A way to contact the practice in case of problems  

  • An initial learning needs assessment and a final meeting where we will discuss performance and feedback from others and plan for further development  

  • A safe, active, open leaning environment with opportunity to discuss any problems  


In addition, where students can physically attend placement  

  • PPE for all F2F patient encounters 

  • Implemented current guidance for COVID-19 Risk Reduction (see attached checklist) including protecting shielding colleagues  

  • Appropriate access to patient records and access to the internet 



As a Medical Student my responsibilities are to:  

  • Complete any assessments and upload them in good time 

  • Adhere to all student professionalism guidance, codes of conduct & Good Medical Practice  

  • Prioritise patient safety by assessing and minimising any risk to patients and staff  

  • Strictly follow national guidance on PPE, face coverings, and all COVID-19 risk mitigations at all times (both on placement and in my private time)  

  • Follow local COVID-19 advice and Test, Track and Trace requirements 

  • Be honest and open with my supervisors about my prior performance, strengths, and areas to improve and any special requirements 

  • Seek and respond to my feedback to hone capabilities in clinical supervision 

  • Cease clinical work if I find myself in a situation where I do not have a qualified healthcare professional to supervise me until the situation is remedied  

  • Always identify myself to patients, relatives and staff and in medical records as a Medical Student  

  • Advise my GP Tutor of any absences as soon as possible and agree how my duties will be carried out in my absence 

  • Complete feedback and Student Evaluation Questions (JISC) at the end of the placement 




The Supervising GP tutors will ensure: 

  • Oversight of all remote patient contacts 

  • Patient consent is recorded in notes prior to starting consultation 

As a Student I will: 

  • Respect confidentiality, dignity and the patient’s right to decline or withdraw consent to be seen by a Medical Student  

  • Never personally record any patient teaching or consultations  

  • Never take screenshots of patients, tutors or colleagues  

  • Always use headphones and the QMUL screen background if joining patient consultation or tutorials away from the GP practice.  


I confirm that I:  

  • am a member of a defence organisation (MDU or MPS) 

  • have completed the Preparation for Placements online learning module 

  • understand that if I fail to comply with any of the above or act unprofessionally this may result in referral to a Senior Tutor or the Professional Capability Committee 

If I have concerns over my placement or supervision, I will try to discuss with my Supervising GP Tutor, or the CBME academic lead Maria Hayfron-Benjamin.  

The Medical School undertakes to monitor the implementation of this Agreement and remedy evidence of non-compliance through its quality assurance procedures.  


Student Name: 

Student (e) Signature: 



GP Tutor Name:  

GP Tutor (e) Signature: 




To be signed by each student and emailed to their GP tutor  

Please contact Francesca Langridge if you need your GP Tutor’s email