General Practice 2 Handbook 2021/22
General Practice 2 Handbook
5.1. Reflective/creative case study
Reflection is a key skill for all healthcare professionals and learning how to develop reflective practice is an essential part of medical education. Creative enquiry has been found to extend reflection and understanding and engage the student voice and perspective [See Appendix 1].
Task: A reflective piece triggered by a ‘A significant encounter’
750-1000 word written reflective piece
500 words supported by a creative enquiry piece e.g., a photograph, drawing, poem, piece of music that helps to convey your message.
Purpose of Task for students: In this task the student reflects on an encounter that they have had with a patient that they felt was particularly significant. The focus of the work should be on why this patient had resonance for you and how that might affect your interaction with patients in the future.
For example, you might describe a patient with schizophrenia who is of a similar age to you but is on a different life course, an elderly patient with dementia may have a particular resonance if you have a grandparent with dementia, you may have a family member with cancer, or you may have experience of ill-health yourself and that may affect how you relate to patients.
Consent: Students are asked to confirm whether they give consent for their reflective pieces to be shared, to either include their details or anonymously, for a QMUL creative enquiry website that is being designed to showcase creative enquiry work by QMUL students from all year groups.
Submission: Students need to submit their Reflective Task on or before the deadline for their group as above:
on QM+ and
via email to their GP tutor
Late submissions will incur penalties
Non submission / inadequate remediation task work may mean the student will forfeit the first sit of the Year 2 exams and will sit in August as a second sit
Assessment of the reflective piece
The reflective piece should be assessed and graded by the practice-based GP tutor
GP tutors will be asked to submit these marks to the QMUL CBME team and provide both the marks and feedback, written and/or verbal, directly to the students as well
Students should receive their mark by the next placement day after the submission date.
Guidance for grading the reflective pieces
| Merit | Pass | Referred |
Impact | The work moves/engages you. It stays with you/ opens new doors & new perspectives
| There were some interesting insights and perspectives that made you think but could have been explored further. | Themes/ideas addressed superficially. |
| Insightful reflection - focussed on ‘key issues/ideas,’ explored from different perspectives, context and emotions are considered.
| Mix of descriptive account with some reflection e.g., the student considers their emotions, looks at the perspective of others, or identifies ‘key issues/ideas,’ but this could be expanded.
| Descriptive account – narrative account of what happened, with little or no reflection.
Aesthetics (If creative enquiry piece included) | Excellent use of chosen medium powerfully conveying the content, assisting the audience in engaging with the message. | Some originality. Reasonable effort and use of chosen medium. | Little original thought, little effort, not effective use of medium chosen, not conveying the content well. |
Feedback to students could include:
Points of excellence
Points for improvement - could include questions/prompts to encourage continued reflection
General comments