EECS Student Handbook 2023/24

Section 9 - Other Useful Information

9.6 Smoking on Campus

Smoking on Campus

As an Institution, QMUL recognises the harmful impact of cigarette and tobacco product smoking on individuals, families, health services and society. Much of our research, teaching and public engagement work seeks to eradicate smoking and help those suffering from the effects of smoking.

The QMUL Smoking Policy aims to protect people from the harmful effects of passive smoking, provide support for smokers to quit, and provide designated areas on the Mile End campus for people to smoke. Our other campuses remain smoke-free. In addition, the use of electronic cigarettes are permitted in outside spaces only on QMUL campuses

Only in designated areas, other than those areas which are clearly signed. QM is a smoke free campus.

You cannot smoke in the QM halls of residence or any other QM building. It is not permissible to smoke by the ITL door or any QM building entrance.

Action will be taken for those found smoking in places other than designated areas.

To report problems with smoking on QMUL campuses

  • To report a persistent problem, contact QMUL Security
  • In case of emergency, please dial 020 7882 3333 (QMUL extension 3333).