EECS Student Handbook 2023/24

Section 7 - Programmes and modules of study

7.8 Time Management

One of the most important skills that will determine a student’s success is their ability to manage their time effectively. This is important both in the context of taught classes (e.g. labs and tutorials), where students need to make the best possible use of the dedicated time and resources available to them, and of private study time. Students are advised to take time management seriously right from the beginning of their studies; failure to do so will make it much more difficult to catch up at a later date. 

When planning study time, students should take into account extra-curricular activities and any part-time employment they hold. It is now very common for students to hold a part- time job for financial reasons while studying. However, it should be remembered that this is the equivalent of holding down both a full-time and an additional part-time job. Students must balance the demands of their studies, which are paramount, with their financial needs; while students are not prohibited from part-time employment, this should never interfere with attendance at scheduled classes or the allocation of sufficient private study time. Part- time employment will not be accepted as a valid excuse for missing compulsory classes or any assessed coursework, tests or examinations. Students should also be aware that working anti-social hours, e.g. late nights, can interfere with concentration and study performance.


International students studying on a student visa should seek advice from the College Advice and Counselling Service –