EECS Student Handbook 2023/24

Section 4 - School Information

4.5 Key Staff

Contacting Staff

It is usually best to contact academic staff by email. You may also visit academic staff in their offices during their surgery hours. There will be a notice on the academics office door stating their surgery hours. This information will also be available on their landing pages on the EECS intranet. It is advisable to email staff and make an appointment to see them before embarking on a long journey to Queen Mary. Staff contact details are available on the School Intranet.

Position Name Email Roles
Head of School Prof. Steve Uhlig The head of School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science.
Director of Education  Dr. Tassos Tombros Director of Education oversees the running of taught programmes in the School and serves as the principal contact and coordinates between the School and Faculty/College in matters relating to taught programmes. 
Director of Student Experience   Dr Mahesha Samaratunga   Director of student experience.
Director of Wellbeing Dr Mahesha Samaratunga The Director of wellbeing is dedicated to the wellbeing of students within EECS. It focuses on raising awareness of wellbeing and mental health, especially supporting activities for students.
Director of Undergraduate Studies Dr Tijana Timotijevic The principal responsibility of the Director of Undergraduate/Postgraduate Studies is to ensure the smooth running of the undergraduate/postgraduate degree programmes offered in the School. This role is, therefore, primarily administrative. If students have problems with their programme of study, they should consult their adviser in the first instance. However, an adviser may recommend that a student consult the Director of Undergraduate Studies where more general problems with the structure and/or content of the undergraduate/master’s degree programme are involved.
Director of Taught Postgraduate Studies Dr Eliane Bodanese
UG Senior Tutor and Year tutors Dr Matthew Huntbach and  Sukhpal Singh (Y1) , Mustafa Bozkurt (Y2) , Tassos Tombros(Y3) A Senior Tutor is a member of the academic staff who acts as a point of reference for problems and decisions faced by EECS students. The Senior Tutor has two main roles: academic and pastoral, you are welcome to contact them for any pastoral support, but please contact the SSO first and he/she will be able to advise you in the first instance.
PG Senior Tutor Dr Qianni Zhang, Dr Soren Riis, Dr. Laurissa Tokarchuk
Student Conduct Co-ordinator Dr. Chris Phillips  Deals with any issues arising to student conduct cases including plagiarism and  student misconduct.

Key Professional Service Staff

Position Name Email Roles
Teaching Services Manager Ms Karen FinesilverSmith The Teaching Services Manager is responsible for a team of administrative staff who support students and staff.  The team operates the Student Support Desk which is located in the ITL. See the ITL QMPlus page for details of times and booking.
Student Support Team  Mayeen Hoque (UG) and Ms Nadia Zaman (PG)  The SSO is the first port of call if you are experiencing any problems with your studies.  The SSO can offer advice and seek help for you or point you towards a person or service that can help you.  The SSO is also the person you need to speak to regarding any extenuating circumstances you may have.