EECS Student Handbook 2023/24

Section 3 - Preliminary information

3.1 Message From Head Of School

Welcome From Head of School

Steve Uhlig (EECS HoS)

Welcome to the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary

University of London! You have chosen an exciting yet fast-evolving and demanding discipline, which plays an increasingly central role in our lives. Thank you for choosing us! By doing this, you have selected one of the great places in the UK to study. According to the latest Research Exercise Framework (REF) carried in 2021 (, EECS is ranked top 8 in the UK for CS and engineering as a whole discipline is ranked 7th in the UK.

As we're moving away from the Covid-19 pandemic, our educational provision is based on a largely in-person provision, complemented by online activities where appropriate. Studying at University is very different from other learning environments. Indeed, at University, you have to find out how best you learn, so a large part of what you do and how you do it is your choice. Let me make a few suggestions to help you make the most of your time at University.

First, work consistently from the start: It isn't easy to catch up if you get behind. Keeping up with the materials and assessments is therefore critical. Being organised is an essential life skill you must learn and master during your time with us.

Take advantage of all activities, in-person and online, e.g., discussions, forums, and keep regular contact with your fellow students, module lecturers and advisor. Engage with the material, by asking questions: teachers are here to help you learn, but you must ask questions if you want answers.

Next, be informed: Read the information in this handbook and on the College and School web-pages. Also, please read your email, especially communications from your teachers and teaching services. These communications exist to inform you and save you time. Not reading them will waste everyone's time, both on the part of the staff and yours. It is a matter of respect, courtesy, and professionalism that we all are informed.

It is never too soon to start thinking about life after University. You will learn many skills while at University, beyond purely technical ones, to help you with your future career. The University and School take Graduate Attributes very seriously, to find out more, please visit the School student intranet or go to the following link:

Equality, diversity and Inclusion are things we value significantly within EECS and QMUL as a whole. In EECS, you should feel at home regardless of gender, sexuality, gender identity, race, or religious beliefs. We expect and require all students to behave in line with these values. We expect students to show respect towards each other and our staff, whether in person or online. A range of disciplinary measures exist and will be applied if necessary in cases of misbehaviour.

Most of our students go on to successful careers and have a remarkably satisfying experience studying with us. We hope your studies will go smoothly, but please come and tell us sooner rather than later if you have any problems. We will always try to help.

We believe that Electronic Engineering and Computer Science are enjoyable and rewarding disciplines. We hope that you will share our beliefs. Take an interest in what is happening in the School; for instance, attend some of the regular talks given by visiting experts during term-time. Take time to appreciate other aspects of University life, such as the Students' Union's activities.

Best Wishes,

Professor Uhlig

Head Of School