Topic outline

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  • Complete the validation and assessment for your Higher Education Achievement Record and improve your graduate career success with some personalised career development action planning.

    • Congratulations on completing this micro-module. It is now time to do some final action planning and to complete your HEAR requirements. By now you should have completed five self-assessment career planning activities at the end of each of the previous topics. If you missed one out, now is the time to complete it as you need to complete all five career planning activities before you can access the final three certification activities in this final section of the module. 

      1) Record your required 1 hours of Careers Conversation in the format provided.  Tick the box to attest that these activities are true and verifiable.

      2) Complete your final self-assessment of how you have increased your career confidence and knowledge by working through this module. This shows you and us what you have learnt from the course. It will help you to prioritise what to focus on next and will help us to improve this online career learning going forward. 

      3) Complete your final Careers Action Planning activity. This will encourage you to take effective next steps in planning your career.  Please note that you need to do all the other certification activities before attempting this activity.

      Successful completion of these activities will ensure that completion of this module is added to your Higher Education Achievement Record and will appear on your transcript. 

      We also provide an optional, downloadable career research action planning template for your use in your future career development. And we encourage you to visit our Additional Resources section for more career planning inspiration and resources.

    • Record a brief summary of your 1 hour Careers Conversation. Remember this can take place with a Careers Consultant during a 1-1 appointment, or as part of a group discussion, with a contact you have made through networking, or with a family member or a friend. Your 1 hour could be made up talking to just one person, or from a few different conversations. 

    • I attest and certify by ticking this box that the 1 hour Career Conversation experience I have recorded in this form is true and verifiable and that I give permission for the University to contact relevant third parties to verify that experience.

    • Rate Your Career Confidence and Knowledge - Part 2: Completion Requirement Quiz
    • FINAL ACTIVITY: My Future Career Development Action Plan - Completion Requirement Quiz

      The final activity required to complete the module and gain your Higher Education Achievement Record.