SOLM145- Maritime Arbitration- 2024/25
Topic outline
Forum Description: This forum is available for everyone to post messages to. Students can raise questions or discuss issues related to the module. Students are encouraged to post to this forum and it will be checked daily by the module leaders. Students should feel free to reply to other students if they are able to.
If you have questions about the content of the module or any task you have been asked to undertake please contact the module convenor Prof. Miriam Goldby on She will respond to your query directly or forward it to the relevant instructor for the topic.
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Week 5: How does a maritime arbitration tribunal decide? Use of facts and of substantive law in reaching a decision
Reading Week Exercises
Task 1 - Quiz on the Maritime Arbitral Process
You should go over your slides and lecture materials for weeks 3, 4 and 5 and then undertake the Quiz which will be posted below.
Task 2 - Researching Maritime Arbitral Awards.
Please find the paragraph within the LMAA Terms that provides for the publication of awards. In what circumstances are awards published?
Please do a search following the steps below and find out how many arbitral awards made under LMAA Terms were published in 2024.
To search publicized awards made under LMAA Terms:
- Log into i-Law Maritime (IALS Library resources).
- Click on "All Publications" in the left-hand menu.
- Select "Lloyd's Maritime Law Newsletter" from the list
- Use the search box at the top to look up arbitration awards, leaving the menu option to the right of the search box as "This publication". You can use the search term "London Arbitration".
From a brief look through these published awards, how do they compare to published case reports? In particular:
- What do they tell you about the identity of the disputants, counsel or the adjudicator(s)?
- What do they tell you about the issues in dispute?
- How detailed is the reasoning?
- How detailed is the analysis of the law?
- Compare the number of awards published in the newsletter with the number of awards "published" by arbitrators to the parties, i.e. made (available in the LMAA statistics you looked at last week). What are your thoughts about the discrepancy?
You should undertake this Quiz after revising your slides and lecture notes for weeks 3, 4, and 5.
Following this week's class, you should start preparing for the Workshop on procedure taking place in Week 10.
Exercise A
You will be divided into two groups. Each group will be asked to prepare a s 69(2)(b) application for leave to appeal from an arbitration award. Your applications will be assessed by a guest lecturer who will give you feedback in class in Week 10. This is a non-credit-bearing exercise, but a very useful practical way of understanding the s 69 process.
Exercises B and C
These exercises are intended to help you familiarise with the complexities involved in challenging an arbitral award, especially in light of the recent recommendations for reform to the arbitration Act. (See here for current status of Amendment Bill). Each group will be asked to prepare a presentation of the answer to each exercise and nominate a representative to present the answer in class. Feedback will be provided in class.
Week 9: Enforcing awards: the New York Convention, the peculiarities of the shipping world and the interaction of courts and arbitration tribunals
Please use this link to join the webinar. The waiting room has been disabled.
Meeting ID: 846 7637 3122
Passcode: 176717
Week 10: Workshop on Procedure (2 hours); The continued development of shipping law and the role of arbitration (1 hour)
We shall be covering the final topic for this module which is the role of arbitration in the continued development of shipping law.
Please read the following case:
The Aconagua Bay [2018] EWHC 654 (Comm)
Further Reading
- M Goldby ‘Enforceability of Spontaneous Law in England: Some Evidence from Recent Shipping Cases’ in M Goldby and L Mistelis (eds), The Role of Arbitration in Shipping Law
- M Davies, ‘More Lawyers but Less Law: Maritime Arbitration in the 21st c.’ (2010) 24 Austl. & N.Z. Mar. L.J. 13
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