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Patents are exclusive rights granted for the protection of an invention that offers a new and inventive technical solution or way of doing something. This module compares the process of obtaining and enforcing a patent under the provisions of the European Patent Convention (EPC) with special reference to the Unified Patent Court (UPC).

The module will:
Provide students with a sound understanding of the essential principles of European patent law, providing a foundation and context for intellectual property law and practice;
• Provide students with a detailed understanding of the laws on European patent law, focusing in particular on the European Patent Convention (EPC);
• Provide students with a detailed understanding of the process of obtaining and enforcing a patent by virtue of the EPC;
• Provide students with a detailed understanding of the legal concepts of novelty, inventive step and industrial application under the EPC and infringement, defences, revocation, and remedies before courts in Europe.
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