Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to the SMS Careers page!  

    Here you will find information on how to develop yourself professionally as well as enhance your career and employability skills, from CV writing advice to knowing what you can do with your degree - just read on. You can also find bitesize chunks of information via video (#1StepAhead) so you can keep up to date with your development but also have time to reflect on it and seek out support if need be. Make sure you subscribe to the 'Careers Announcements forum' so you can be the first to find out about internships, job offers and other useful resources!

    Your Careers Team

    Sonia Lassami (EECS & SMS Careers Consultant)

    Sonia is the Careers Consultant for the school of Mathematics as well as the school of Electronic Engineering & Computer Science. She is here to support you every step of the way when it comes to anything careers and employability related. This could be anything from needing help with applying for a role, or even what you can do with your degree. Whatever the topic, she is here to help!

    As Maths students, you have specific one to one careers appointments only for your school on 
    Thursdays from 2:30pm-4:30pm (online & face to face in the Maths school) as well as access to the centralised Careers & Enterprise support - appointments are booked via Careers Hub. Look out for emails and announcements from Sonia as it could lead you one step closer to getting that awesome graduate job! Don't forget you can also reach her  via email -

    Sebastian del Bano Rollin

    Sebastian is the Director of Graduate Opportunities at the School of Mathematical Sciences as well as Deputy Director of Education. He is also a mathematician with industry experience (several positions in Investment Banking; the last one was Global Head of Foreign Exchange Quantitative Research at Citigroup). Sebastian works alongside Andrea to offer the best advice and resources to support your preparation for the job market.

    • We will be posting news on jobs and events here. Make sure you hit Subscribe to be the first one to find out!
      To do so, go into the Forum, click on the cog-wheel on the top right corner and hit "Subscribe to this forum"

  • #1StepAhead - Videos

    Keep up to date with these quick videos on how to develop your careers & employability skills as well as 'in the real world' interviews with employers!

  • EAST: A guideline on what to do

    E.A.S.T. stands for 

    • Explore: Find out what jobs are out there that you like and what skills they require
    • Acquire: Gain skills and experience that you give you an edge in the job market.
    • Showcase: Ensure your skills and experience are reflected on your CV, LinkedIn page, applications, etc.
    • Transition: Apply for jobs, internships, MSc programmes, etc.

    You will be repeating this all your professional life! So, check this page for more information and suggestions.

  • Booking a 1-on-1 Careers Appointment

    You can book a 1-on-1 appointment with Sonia, your specialist Careers Consultant.

    Make sure that you have covered the basics using the resources in this page - that way when you meet you can focus on substantive points.

    Your in-school appointments are on Thursdays 2:30pm - 4:30pm with availability online and face to face (Maths Building, room MB.1.01)

    To book an appointment, please click here.

  • Listen Up First Year Students!

    Campus Lifestyle - Queen Mary University of London

    EXPLORE your careers ideas and start to make a plan on what you want to do after university and how you will get there! 

    • Book a one-to-one Career Guidance appointment or an SMS in-school careers appointment via Careers Hub to discuss what you can do with your degree and what career options are available to you. 

    • Book a one-to-one Enterprise appointment via Careers Hub if you have a business idea, are interested in starting a business, want to become a freelancer or simply want to develop your existing business. 

    • Make sure you have a read of the Industry Guides to find out more about the sector you want to pursue a career in.  

    • Be sure to create a LinkedIn account and brush up on how to use this platform by attending one of our LinkedIn workshops that take place throughout the year. 

    • Have a go at completing the ‘What Can I Do With My Degree?’ pathway on Careers Hub to find out what roles you can get into with your degree. 

    • Book yourself onto one of our QTaster days where you’ll have the chance to visit a company, have your questions answered and get exposure to a professional environment.  

    • Don’t forget to sign up to our careers events to have the chance to network with employers, take part in interactive talks, panel events, speed-networking and many more sector themed or generic events! 

    • Take part in our Central Careers workshops that run throughout the semester that can be booked via Careers Hub. 

    • Want to know about the sector or role you want to pursue a career in, what it’s like and how to get there from someone in the actual role? Why not sign up to QMentoring to be matched with a professional Mentor. 

    • Gain experience that fits around your studies as well as getting exposure within a professional environment with the aid of support sessions by signing up for a Micro Internship! 

    • Remember you can always look for job/internship opportunities, internal and external events, workshops and programmes on Careers Hub. 

  • Listen Up Second Year Students!

    Agreement with the Queen Mary University of London - brq

    AQUIRE the skills, behaviours and experience that you will need to reach your career goal at the end of your degree. 

    • Apply to the Student Consultancy Project to have the chance to develop your team working skills and work on a real-life business case. 

    • If you have not done so already, take part in the QMentoring programme to be matched with a professional mentor.  

    • Now is the time to gain work experience and you can do so by signing up to our internal recruitment agency QTemps to find part-time and voluntary roles inside QMUL or with our surrounding partner organisations! 

    • Don’t forget you can apply for our Micro Internships or external internships to have the chance to gain work experience and develop your skillset. 

    • Make sure your CV is up to scratch by using our Applicant Tracking System Career Set or booking a ‘CV/Application’ Careers Appointment on Careers Hub 

    • Remember you can always look for job/internship opportunities, internal and external events, workshops and programmes on Careers Hub. 

  • Listen Up Third Year/Finalist Students!

    Queen Mary University of London | SLIIT

    SHOWCASE what you have gained through your professional experience and understand how to sell your knowledge, skills & abilities. 

    • Learn to tailor your CV to every application through our Applicant Tracking System Career Set or by booking a ‘CV/Application’ Careers Appointment on Careers Hub- also to support you with any application. 

    • If you have an interview coming up, be sure to book a ‘Practice Interview’ appointment or an SMS in-school careers appointment via Careers Hub so you have the chance to answer several interview questions from many categories. 

    • You can also choose from many practice video interviews with Shortlist.Me to understand how these interviews take place and ensure you are prepared if you secure one. 

    • If you are applying to graduate schemes/programmes or even graduate jobs, you’ll be expected to complete psychometric tests – you can practice a range of tests on our Graduate First platform! 

    • Don’t forget to seek out the Enterprise team if you want to start a business, develop your existing business or become a freelancer.

    • Remember you can always look for job/internship opportunities, internal and external events, workshops and programmes on Careers Hub. 

  • Develop Yourself Further!

    • Bloomberg Market Concepts Certification

      Bloomberg is a massive company providing key infrastructure to the financial industry. Through an exclusive contract we can offer all students access to the prestigious Bloomberg Market Concepts certification.

      This represents an impactful bullet-point in your CV so make sure you take advantage of this as soon as it is offered.

      You do not need to write to us asking when it will become available. This will happen later in term, make sure you keep tuned in to your QMUL email.

    • LinkedIn Learning

      Through QMUL you have access to the massive repository of LinkedIn Learning courses (~16,000 courses) ranging from Machine Learning with Python to Music Theory or Yoga. Some course can even help you with your modules (type the name of your module in the search box!).

      Check the link below:

  • What You Need To Know About Jobs In Mathematics!

    You need to start by exploring the job market to decide what kind of field you like.
    Check this section for ideas.

    One virtue of a degree in mathematics is that it opens the doors to very many sectors such as finance, insurance, statistics departments in government, big consultancy firms, hedge funds, teaching, data analysis in big software companies etc.

    In job offers, a mathematical inclination is often described as "numerate", "quantitative" or "analytical" so check for job profiles with these words.

    • Read a range of interviews with past QMUL Mathematics graduates and see their careers after graduation. This is a good way to find out about which career pathways others have chosen and how they got into their jobs. 

    • This page by the Institute of Mathematics & It's Applications provides plenty of information for what mathematicians do in the finance sector.

    • This page by the Institute of Mathematics & It's Applications provides guidance for Maths Undergraduates

    • A useful resource for students that are not sure what's available to them with a Mathematics degree - by Maths Careers & Institute of Mathematics & It's Applications.

    • An excellent resource by Queen Mary University London that supports students in understanding the key skills and knowledge they gain throughout their Mathematics degree and how this can be taken into the working world. 

    • Read the latest research by Maths Careers on where Maths graduates work, in both positions and job sectors.

  • Upcoming Events!


    Check this page for upcoming careers events:

    Here you can find both QMUL events exclusive to you (often employer-led) as well as external ones.

  • Careers & Enterprise Lectures - Semester One

    Here you will find the recordings of the careers session that took place within your lectures.

  • Listen Up PGT Students!

    Mathematics hub - Queen Mary University of London

    ·       Learn to tailor your CV to every application through our Applicant Tracking System Career Set or by booking a ‘CV/Application’ Careers Appointment on Careers Hub- also to support you with any application. 

    ·       Book a one-to-one Enterprise appointment via Careers Hub if you have a business idea, are interested in starting a business, want to become a freelancer or simply want to develop your existing business. 

    ·       Make sure you have a read of the Industry Guides to find out more about the sector you want to pursue a career in.  

    ·       Develop your LinkedIn account and brush up on how to use this platform by attending one of our LinkedIn workshops that take place throughout the year. 

    ·       If you have an interview coming up, be sure to book a ‘Practice Interview’ appointment or an SMS in-school careers appointment via Careers Hub so you have the chance to answer several interview questions from many categories. 

    ·       You can also choose from many practice video interviews with Shortlist.Me to understand how these interviews take place and ensure you are prepared if you secure one. 

    ·       Don’t forget to sign up to our careers events to have the chance to network with employers, take part in interactive talks, panel events, speed-networking and many more sector themed or generic events! 

    ·       Take part in our Central Careers workshops that run throughout the semester that can be booked via Careers Hub. 

    ·       Remember you can always look for job/internship opportunities, internal and external events, workshops and programmes on Careers Hub.