Topic outline

  • Hi. This area of QMPlus is to provide support to clinical and non-clinical teachers at the Institute of Dentistry in helping to deliver evidence-based dentistry to undergraduate students. 

    This doesn't 'run' as a course and so the content is organised to address different elements of EBD practice and teaching. Please dip into them as you wish and feel free to ask me questions. 

    My vision is that 'doing' EBD becomes as much a part of clinical dentistry at Barts and The London as giving local anaesthetic or taking a decent history. It will mean many people learning new skills. It is an iterative process and so don't feel overawed by all the ideas that flow through this content. 

    • Any questions or points to discuss?

      If you wish to get updates ensure you subscribe (see the column on the left of your screen when in the forum for subscription options).

    • Link to an EBD 'reading list' for staff on QMUL library website.

    • A fun video about EBM put to Cold Play's Viva La Vida

  • Although the EBD mantra asks us to ask a question and search for evidence, evidence can sometimes find us without us looking for it, though in turn we might then search for additional - or better - evidence.
    • Dental ElfThe Dental Elf is a blog written by Derek Richards, editor of the EBD Journal. Every day he posts a summary usually of a systematic review or primary study. It's not critically appraised though he'll often put the research report in context of other relevant studies.

    •  As members of QMUL you should have institutional access to the Evidence-Based Dentistry Journal, if you don't receive it with your BDJ subscription. The journal critcally summarises systematic reviews and other studies so we don't have to read them :)