Enrolment options

The PASS Scheme is a nationally accredited scheme, working to guide students into further understanding subject content and improving academic performance. We hold mentor-led discussions around topics and modules of your choice; a friendly community and a motivating environment, open for all students studying Drama.

We are running in person every Monday 3-4pm in Bancroft Resource Room 2.

We look forward to seeing you this Monday Bancroft for a great session!


DRAMA Peer Assisted Study Support (PASS)

Drama PASS is led by Student Organiser, Emma Semani  (e.semani@hss20.qmul.ac.uk ) and is supported by Student Mentor George Boulton (g.e.boulton@hss18.qmul.ac.uk)

The Academic Co-ordinator is Matthew Ingleby (m.ingleby@qmul.ac.uk).

PASS sessions will be catered to your needs and their focus will shift to assignments before major deadlines.

Teams Link:


The PASS Mentor Team look forward to seeing you soon.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)