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Vice-Principal (Public Engagement and Student Enterprise) Advisory Group (VPPESEAG) : 2014-2019

The Vice-Principal (Public Engagement and Student Enterprise) Advisory Group (VPPESEAG) ran from 2014-2019 and was led by Professor Peter McOwan, Vice-Principal (Pubilc Engagement and Student Enterprise) with secretariat support provided by Dr Katherine Bevan from the Academic Registry and Council Secretariat (ARCS). 


The VP(PE&SE) has responsibility for public engagement and student enterprise at QMUL. This work is supported by a number of groups. Every other month the Centre for Public Engagement meets, supported by cross-disciplinary topic working group meetings with relevant stakeholders. Student enterprise work is supported by the student employability work governed by VP TLAG and the Careers department, including the Employability Impact Group. These meetings are designed to ensure that public engagement and student enterprise activities are timely, well-communicated, prompting effective action and providing the opportunity to develop new initiatives.  The Vice-Principal (Public Engagement and Student Enterprise) Advisory Group takes a more strategic role including governance issues and, consequently, meets for longer but less frequently with the flexibility to hold meetings in more varied formats (e.g. workshops or seminar mode, or by email or online conversation if timings do not allow for bringing people together).

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