Enrolment options


Late Summer Resit 2022 Assessment Period  

School of Engineering and Materials Science 


Module code:  



Module name:  

Materials Chemistry 



You have a maximum of 3 hours to submit your answers from the time you first access the assessment. The assessment will be released by the 5th of August 2022, at 10:00 AM.  


We are expecting you to spend around 2 hours on this assessment. 

Answer ALL questions.  

Assessment Instructions 

  • Answers should be written legibly by hand or word-processed. All text, sketches and mathematics should be integrated into a single document, and submitted as a pdf for each question.  

  • Include a first page detailing your student number, and the module code and name.  

  • If you have a DDS (Disability & Dyslexia Service) cover sheet, include a scanned copy of that as the second page of your submission 

During the assessment  

  • Your submission must be your own work, and you must not break any of the rules in the Academic Misconduct Policy. Do not collude with others. Do not ask anyone else to answer the questions for you. All such activities are expressively forbidden. You must answer questions entirely independently. 

  • Please be aware that: 

  1. All submissions will be subject to inspection for plagiarism and use of external tutoring support. Detection of such activity will constitute an assessment offence 

  1. We will viva a percentage of students after each assessment to discuss the answers they have provided as confirmation this is your own work 

  • Any assessment offences will be referred to the Academic Registrar for consideration by the Chair of the Academic Misconduct Panel, and may subsequently lead to severe penalties, including expulsion. 


  • Please ensure that you read the question rubric (above) carefully, and answer all the questions. Make sure it is clear which answer refers to which question. 

  • Ensure you delete anything you do not wish to be marked before submission. 

  • Any question regarding the assessment should be directed to the QMPlus module forum. We will staff these during UK working hours, so you can always expect an answer within 24 hours but may already find the answer to your question within the forum post. We will only help with queries around clarity of the question paper and will not provide any guidance on the answers. 

Submitting the assessment  

  • Submit your answer as a single pdf document for each question using the submission point on the QMPlus module page. Your filename should be: module code plus student number and question number. Leave plenty of time for the upload.  

  • In case of upload difficulties, please email your submission to SEMSonlineassessment@qmul.ac.uk  before the submission deadline, putting the module code & your student number in the email subject line. 

Answer ALL questions for 100 marks 

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