Learning Outcomes


Academic Content:

Understanding of techniques of narratological analysis

Understanding of the significance and implications of narratological analysis when applied to particular texts

Familiarity with a range of French narrative texts [for COM6006: translated French narrative texts] produced between the 12th and the 19th centuries

Disciplinary Skills - able to:

Analyse individual texts in the light of wider principles

Understand more fully the procedures by which meaning is produced in literary texts

Understand and employ appropriate academic style and terminology

Write creatively [for FRE6006: write creatively in French] to a given brief, and analyse writing decisions appropriately

[for FRE6006 only:] Develop a capacity to engage with material in its original language, using linguistic skills commensurate with the CEFR level appropriate for a level 6 module


Ability to handle conceptual material with confidence

Ability to relate concepts to practical situations

Ability to deploy evidence effectively in support of arguments

Assessment Criteria

The marking criteria that apply for this module are those stipulated for level-6 literature/culture modules in the 19/20 SLLF undergraduate handbook. Additional guidance will be given in class as to how to understand these in relation to the creative component of the coursework.

Nb. FRE6006 students are required to complete the creative exercise component of the second coursework assignment in French. Examiners will evaluate target-language expression for this assignment in relation to the ‘command of language’ rubric contained within the SLLF ‘Criteria for Marking Literature/Culture Modules’, rather than with regard to the ‘Criteria for Marking Language Modules’. Accuracy of target-language expression is therefore one important criterion amongst many, rather than the primary objective of the assignment, as it would be for language modules.  

Last modified: Tuesday, 24 September 2019, 7:36 AM