Completion requirements
SPA4402 | Modern Physics | SEM 2 | 4 | 15 |
Overlap :None
Prerequisite: None Corequisite: None Prerequisite of: SPA5241; SPA5666; SPA6309 Description: This module covers the dramatic developments in physics that occurred in the early twentieth century, introducing special and general relativity and quantum theory. In relativistic mechanics we will study special relativity; the Lorentz transformation; length contraction and time dilation; the clock paradox; relativistic kinematics and dynamics; general relativity and its tests and consequences; and black holes and galactic lenses. In quantum theory, we will study descriptions of the evidence for particle-like properties of waves, and wave-like properties of particles, followed by their consequences and their formal expression in physical law: topics include Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, Schrodinger's equation and elementary quantum mechanics. We will also introduce the fundamental particles and the forces of the standard model of particle physics. Assessment: 80% Examination and 20% Coursework Level: 4 |
SPA4103 | Scientific Measurement | SEM 1 | 4 | 15 |
Overlap: None
Prerequisite: None Corequisite: None Description: Practical work in the laboratory serves to illustrate basic concepts in physics, and the processes of carrying out experiments and interpreting their results. You will be taught techniques of measurement and the use of instruments and computers. There are some lectures on statistics and data analysis, which are applied to the laboratory measurements. There is no final examination. All assessment is by coursework and laboratory reports. Assessment: 100.0% Coursework Level: 4 |
SPA4601 | Professional Skills for Scientists | SEM 1 | 4 | 15 |
Overlap: None
Prerequisite: None Corequisite: None QMUL Model themes supported: Multi- and inter-disciplinariy Networking QMUL Model learning outcomes: Students will be able to identify and discuss their own career aspirations or relevant skills and knowledge and how they impact on others. Students will be able to demonstrate connections between different theoretical perspectives within your discipline. Description: This module develops professional and computational skills that are fundamental to the discipline, enable student engagement with employers, and expand student networks. Students develop introductory computational skills including using and writing computer programs to model physical systems, analyse quantitative data, and solve problems. These computational skills are applicable to any role that requires quantitative analysis and evidence-based decision making. Students will become proficient in preparing professional quality documents including scientific project reports, presentations and job application materials. Assessment: 75% Coursework and 25% Practical Level: 4 |
SPA4122 | Mathematical Techniques 2 | SEM 2 | 4 | 15 |
Overlap: None
Prerequisite: None Corequisite: None Prerequisite of: SPA5241; SPA5666; SPA6309 Description: Further techniques of mathematics needed in the physical sciences. Complex numbers and hyperbolic functions. Polar and spherical coordinates and coordinate transformations. Multiple integrals. Line and surface integrals. Vector calculus. The theorems of Gauss, Green and Stokes. Matrices. Determinants. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Fourier series and transforms including the convolution theorem. Differential equations. Exercise classes enable the students to learn practical approaches to problem solving while applying the concepts and techniques introduced in lectures. Assessment: 80% Examination and 20% Coursework Level: 4 |
SPA4101 | Our Universe | SEM 2 | 4 | 15 |
Overlap: None
Prerequisite: None Corequisite: None Prerequisite of: SPA5241; SPA5666; SPA6309 Description: Further techniques of mathematics needed in the physical sciences. Complex numbers and hyperbolic functions. Polar and spherical coordinates and coordinate transformations. Multiple integrals. Line and surface integrals. Vector calculus. The theorems of Gauss, Green and Stokes. Matrices. Determinants. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Fourier series and transforms including the convolution theorem. Differential equations. Exercise classes enable the students to learn practical approaches to problem solving while applying the concepts and techniques introduced in lectures. Assessment: 80% Examination and 20% Coursework Level: 4 |
SPA5307 | Stars | SEM 2 | 5
15 |
Overlap :None
Prerequisite: None Corequisite: None Description: Stars are a vital building block in the Universe: forming out of interstellar gas and dust, and themselves being a major component of galaxies. They are also vital for providing the nuclear reactions that create the elements from which planets and even ourselves are formed. This course describes how the fundamental properties of stars are related to observations. Temperatures and densities in the centre of stars reach values that are unattainable in the laboratory. Yet the application of basic physical principles can help us determine much about the internal structure and evolution of stars, from their formation to their ultimate end states in such exotic and spectacular objects as white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes. Assessment: 90% Examination and 10% Coursework Level: 5 |
SPA6306 | Elementary Particle Physics | SEM 1 | 6 | 15 |
Overlap: None
Prerequisite: SPA5319 or equivalent introductory course in quantum physics Corequisite: None Description: An introduction to the standard model of particle physics - the strong and electroweak interactions between the basic constituents of the world, quarks and leptons, via the exchange of gluons, photons and W and Z particles. Recent results on CP violation and neutrino mixing. The search for the Higgs particle. Beyond the standard model - Grand unified theories and supersymmetry. Assessment: 80% Examination and 20% Coursework Level: 6 |
SPA6306 | Elementary Particle Physics | SEM 1 | 6 | 15 |
Overlap: None
Prerequisite: SPA5319 or equivalent introductory course in quantum physics Corequisite: None Description: An introduction to the standard model of particle physics - the strong and electroweak interactions between the basic constituents of the world, quarks and leptons, via the exchange of gluons, photons and W and Z particles. Recent results on CP violation and neutrino mixing. The search for the Higgs particle. Beyond the standard model - Grand unified theories and supersymmetry. Assessment: 80% Examination and 20% Coursework Level: 6 |
SPA6311 | Physical Cosmology | SEM 2 | 6 | 15 |
Overlap: SPA7005
Prerequisite: Ideally SPA6308 Corequisite: None Prerequisite of: SPA7028U Description: his module covers the essential concepts of modern cosmology, and in particular introduces the student to what has become known as the ""cosmological standard model"". It discusses the structure and properties of the universe as we observe it today, its evolution and the the underlying physical concepts, and the observations that formed our understanding of the universe. Assessment: 80% Examination and 20% Coursework Level: 6 |
Last modified: Wednesday, 19 December 2018, 3:15 PM