TASK 1: QUAdratics [2hrs]

Step 1.  Watch the videos:

And go through Mathematics B workbook - Chapter 2: Sections 2.1 - 2.2.

Step 2. Attempt all the Worked Examples from Mathematics B workbook - Chapter 2: Sections 2.1 - 2.2. yourself.

Step 3. Watch the video:

And go through Mathematics B workbook - Chapter 2: Section 2.3 and attempt Worked Examples 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6.

Step 4. Watch the video on how to solve Worked Example 2.10.

and go through Mathematics B workbook - Chapter 2: Section 2.4 and solve Worked Example 2.11.

Step 5. Check the solutions in Mathematics B workbook - Chapter 2 solutions, Sections 2.1 - 2.4.

Step 4. You can find more information in [J. Olive Survival guide, Chapter 1, Section 1B(c) and Chapter 2, Section 2D] or [Bostock,Chandler Core Maths, Chapter 1 Algebra 1: Ex 1J,K,L,M and Chapter 3 Equations 1: p37, Ex 3E, Chapter 4].

Links to extra practice:

Quadratic Equations 

Watch VIDEO tutorial, read TEXT, take DIAGNOSTIC TEST and do some extra EXERCISES - all available under this link.

Factorising Quadratics

Scroll down all the way to 'Questions'Try solving these and try to use various methods.

Quadratic Formula and Roots of quadratics

Solving quadratic equations - extra examples

See pages 1 - 3 for Solving quadratic equations; page 1 : by factorisation, page 2: by quadratic formula

Nature of the roots - extra examples and exercises

Roots of quadratic equations
Mathematics B - New Quadratics from old: extra exercises

For each of these, once solved, you can check the correctness of the solution by calculating the roots for the new obtained quadratic and checking the sum and product for the roots. You can do this by using wolframalpha. Just plug in the numbers for the new quadratics you obtained. And it will give you the roots of the new quadratic. Then calculate the sum and product of the roots.

Mathematics B - New Quadratics - example solution to Q1a)
How to check your answers in wolframalpha website.