Step 1. Go through this material containing Exponential and Logarithmic equations - examples with full solutions. 

Step 2.Watch the following video 

Step 3. Attempt all the  Worked Examples from Section 1.4 yourself.

Step 4. Check your solutions by using Mathematics B workbook - Chapter 1 solutions, Section 1.4.

Step 5. You can find more information in [Bostock,Chandler Core Maths, Chapters 4 and 17].

Links to extra practice:

Equations involving powers (indices), solving exponential equations

Equations involving logarithms, solving logarithmic equations

More Equations involving exponents and logarithms - with full solutions

Equations involving only logarithms

Equations involving logarithms requiring change of base (1)

Equations involving logarithms requiring change of base (2) with video for full solutions

Extra practice for 'disguised quadratics': Solve Q17, 19,24,25,26,28,29,30,31,32 from this file (solutions are on the right).

AND Extra practice for systems of equations with logarithms and exponentials, see this video:

Last modified: Monday, 24 January 2022, 9:40 AM