Mode of Delivery

This module will be delivered using Blended Learning:   A ‘learn and do’ approach – lectures and presentations  and the supporting materials can be viewed online via QMPlus at a time that suits you (asynchronous material). Your live classroom time then becomes more efficient as you can apply the newly found knowledge in discussions, and problem-solving interactive workshops (synchronous teaching) 


You will learn by doing a set of activities.  Some activities are "asynchronous", the others are "synchronous". All learning material for the course will be always posted on QMPlus, so check QMplus page regularly.

Asynchronous activities are the things you do in your own time.  These are the videos, workbook chapters and exercises - all formative tasks that you should complete BEFORE the timetabled synchronous live online classes on Wednesdays.

You can complete these in your own time and at your own pace but your MUST ensure you do this before your timetabled class. All tasks are formative (i.e. they will not be marked) but should be used for you to reflect on your understanding of the learning outcomes  in that week and enable you to identify any challenges you may face.

For this module all asynchronous work is divided in TASKS and each of the tasks usually begins with some introductory videos.  These provide only the very basic background and introductory material.  Once you have studied them, move onto working through the work examples in the workbook.  These are active learning tasks - the idea is that by working on them in an engaged way, you will learn the material for the module. You will notice that to each TASK there are links and additional material posted, this is aimed at helping you understand the topics better. This includes links to videos or links to other useful material. 

Each activity has a suggested work time.  This is a guide - if it takes longer or shorter, fine.  It is just there to give you an idea of how to divide your time. There are also links for extra practice and additional material, if you want/need to spend more time on the topic of the given task.

Synchronous activities are online, face-to-face interactive activities. These are done through Blackboard Collaborate and on campus lectures and drop in sessions.  They work much, much better if you have done the asynchronous material. These are NOT lectures but are interactive workshops designed to test your understanding and prepare you for the upcoming assessments. Do not expect to get any "content" in these sessions - that is done in the asynchronous tasks.  The synchronous tasks are about expanding your  understanding, and consolidating your knowledge. Exception to these will be on the tutorial classes (on Fridays starting in week 2).

Synchronous activities for this module will include:

  • LECTURE on Monday and Thursday (on campus);
  • Tutorial class (on campus) on Friday
  • Optional Q&A Support class (on campus) on Friday.

Tutorials (exercise classes) are starting in week 2 of Semester 1 (week commencing 30th September). You will need to download tutorial sheet every week from module page on QMPlus (under 'Tutorials' TAB). You are expected to attend tutorials on Fridays (according to your group) and you will only benefit from them if you have looked at the relevant tutorial sheet first! Teaching Assistants will expect that you have attempted to solve the problems on tutorial sheets prior to the tutorial class. Tutorial classes are integral part of the module and if used properly they will help you advance with the module and will help you to get a better mark on the tests and exam.

In addition to tutorials, every week (starting from week 2), there will be an optional Q&A (Support) Class on Friday. You should attend it as soon as you see you are struggling with the material. Prepare your questions before the class!

How does it work?

You will receive an email from the Module Organiser outlining what is expected each week.

It is YOUR responsibility to ensure you engage fully with all the asynchronous material and therefore prepare for each synchronous session.

You then attend the synchronous sessions when they are timetabled and ENGAGE

Ground Rules for Synchronous Sessions

  • Please aim to join the sessions 5 minutes early.
  • Please join with your microphone muted and video off (for online students). 
  • Use the Chat feature to communicate with your lecturer as well as your peers. Please only use this  in a professional manner.

Asking Questions

In synchronous sessions you can use the chat feature or raise your hand to ask a question.

Questions of a general nature can also be posted on the Student forum so answers can benefit everyone. I strongly encourage you to post to the student forum.  I would love to see a lot of activity here.  You can post questions of any kind, even if it not a topic we are covering.  There are no stupid questions!

Anything specific for the given week can be asked (anonymously) via QUESTIONS link posted in each Week tab - these will be addressed in the Live Webinar Sessions and Support Q&A classes. For other questions you can email me or ask your tutors in tutorials. 

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 11:35 AM