SEF041 Mathematics B


I, Lubna Shaheen, am the module leader for SEF041 Mathematics B module. You can contact me at "". 

All learning material for the course will be always posted on QMPlus, so check this page regularly. I will expect that you read the relevant material posted and complete the requested tasks on QMPlus ahead of the Monday and Thursday Lecture. You will receive an e-mail each week with the outline of activities.

Tutorials (exercise classes) are starting in week 2 of Semester 1 (week commencing 30th September). You will need to download tutorial sheet every week from module webpage on QMPlus. You are expected to attend tutorials on Fridays (according to your groups) and you will only benefit from them if you have looked at the relevant tutorial sheet first! Tutors will expect that you have attempted to solve the problems on tutorial sheets prior to the tutorial class. Tutorial classes are integral part of the module and if used properly they will help you advance with the module and will help you to get a better mark on the tests and exam.

After each tutorial there will be also an optional homework sheet to download/solve & submit for marking. It will need to be submitted online before the next tutorial class. Homework will be checked and marked by tutors and returned with feedback to you, so you will know how well you are doing with the material (but they are not contributing to your mark). This is the only way you can get feedback on your individual work throughout the semester on this module.

In addition to tutorials, every week (starting from week 2), there will be optional Q&A (Support) Class on Friday. You should attend it as soon as you see you are struggling with the material. Prepare your questions before the class!

You will notice that to each TASK there are links and additional material posted, this is aimed at helping you understand the topics better. This includes links to videos or links to other useful material. The university teaching style and the online learning is different from what you are used to from your school. You must start your own independent learning, which includes among others going through the recommended textbook and additional material posted on QMPlus. For each 1 hr of the actual class you should be spending 3-4 hrs in preparation for the class and then 1 - 2 hrs of comprehending the material on your own after the class (it does not mean to re-watch the video of the class 1 - 2 times!).

The recommended course books are:

(these textbooks are recommended as complementary to the module, but they are not obligatory)

cover page of the textook 1

          revised 2013 version                                                              older version

These are recommended books, i.e. they will give you a lot of extra exercises for practice on your own, but all the required lecture material will be posted on QMplus in each of the weeks (so having the book is not a requirement).


Throughout the whole year there will be 3 tests. 

Marks from the test 1 (week 7 in Sem 1) will account for 10 % of you final grade. Marks from the test 2 (week 1 Sem 2) will account for 20 % of you final grade. Marks from the test 3 (week 7 Sem 2) will account for 20 % of you final grade.

FINAL EXAM (in May/June) will account for 50 % of you final grade.

Remember: to pass this module you need 40% overall.

Dealing with questions: 

Start with the information and material provided via SEF041 QMplus module page, the student handbook, Foundation Support QMplus page etc. 

Questions of a general nature should be posted on the Student forum so answers can benefit everyone.

Anything specific for the given week can be asked (anonymously) via QUESTIONS link posted in each Week tab - these will be addressed in the Live Webinar Sessions and Support Q&A classes. 

I hope you enjoy the module!

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 11:28 AM