This module will equip students with the historical, theoretical, and practical knowledge necessary for studying museums. Through visits to ten of London’s most important institutions, the module will examine the development of museums from Renaissance ‘cabinets of curiosities’ to the modern ‘white cube’ gallery space. We will analyse the techniques and practices museums use to collect, organise, and display their objects; we will consider the messages museums send through their architecture, patronage, and methods of display; and we will delve into some of the most important issues affecting museums today like decolonisation, repatriation, and social impact. Aside from the introductory class session, students will visit a different museum each day. 

Student /lecturer interaction

  • 11 days of one two hour seminars and one two hour museum-based activity;
  • module organiser available by email to schedule in person or online office hours

Teaching and Learning Strategies

The module is taught via daily seminars and museum trips. The reading sets primary texts alongside modern critical approaches. It is essential to attend class as every experience is unique and it will not be possible to easily catch up without attending the seminar or visiting the museum with the rest of class.

All essential readings for the module are available via PDFs or links on QM Plus.

Last modified: Wednesday, 19 June 2024, 8:47 PM