Each week there will be 3 lecture sessions in total:  all in hybrid mode (on Friday). Session 1 (Tuesday 12-14)  each week is a 2 hour lecture. Session 2 (Friday 9-10) each week is a 1 hour lecture, and Session 3 (Friday 10-11)  is a tutorial. 

There will be 10 courseworks in total. These contain important practice questions. Each coursework is roughly associated to the material of the preceding week. It is crucial that you engage with this coursework and that you attempt all problems. If you have any questions regarding a particular point in the coursework or you would like to have a particular problem discussed in the second hour of Session 3, please let me know ahead of time, preferably via the module's forum. You will submit selected questions from five course works (2, 4, 6, 8, 10), these will contribute to 20% to the final mark of the module. The coursework will be posted after Session 2. On the weekend I will announce which questions to submit, and the submission deadline will be on the subsequent Monday (10 days after the coursework was posted). Feedback on the answers  will be provided once the window for solving it has closed. The purpose of the coursework is to help you to engage with the module and to keep up with its content.

The  handwritten lecture notes will be posted every week.

Last modified: Wednesday, 24 January 2024, 4:05 PM